Looking for advice…


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Dec 30, 2022
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After 2 failed attempts to make it to Africa, I am once again considering this life long dream. Ever since I was a young boy, I dreamed of going on safari. I made a list of my “must have” animals, but now I am rethinking that strategy. I’ll most likely be hunting in Limpopo, and no dangerous game is planned for my first trip. Kudu has always been my number 1, but a great eland would make me just as happy. I would like the opportunity to take 5-6 animals but what I don’t want is to be rushed in order to fill the “list”. I would like 8 days of hunting. I am wondering if it is best to go with kudu or eland in mind, and then just take what is offered for the remainder, or is it better to pick a package deal that may afford a discounted rate and just hope for the best? Shipping costs could also be a deciding factor, and European style mounts is what I would opt for with the horned animals. I’ve always wanted a warthog, but I’ve been told they are expensive to import to the USA. As for rifles, I would most likely just rent a camp gun to save the hassle, but being left handed could be a problem. Lastly, about the only deal breaker for me is I don’t do well in coach. It’s business class or nothing. 37 years of plumbing have ruined my back and legs, and have to be able to stretch out. Plus at 6’4” tall and 285, I don’t make a great seat mate. I am thinking about finding the best airfare possible and then building the trip around that. Do flights vary by season? I am flying from Seattle and would like the fewest stops possible. I would appreciate comments!
Welcome Hyde.

I hope you get your trip booked - peak season (higher airfare) is usually June-Aug so it you book a hunt outside those times you’ll save a bit. I recommend calling Travel Express to help you find a deal and best times of the year.
The left hand rifle situation might be a bit struggle - I’d definitely check about that with any potential outfits.
Most of the time I opt for euro mounts - I did get shoulder mounts on sables and a Nyala - not a crazy amount to just pick and choose. Warthogs are not expensive to get back - they are an opportunity animal tho, all of mine have been shot while looking for other critters.
If possible, I fly out of Atlanta instead of the northeast. I’ve found it much easier when traveling with rifles.
I’m not sure of your situation but if this may be your only safari - I’d try to hunt a buff while you’re there.
Packages can save you a little money, but I think it also puts a little pressure on you to “hunt” what you’ve already paid for. If kudu or eland are your top targets I’d suggest planning a hunt specifically around one of them, or a package that includes them.

As previously mentioned flights are shortest from the east coast and most expensive during June-Aug. You might consider flying to one of the cities with direct flights and spending a day or two there, then flying to Johannesburg or Cape Town. You might be able to break the flight up some where you could get by with comfort+ or premium economy vs springing for Business or First Class which are often similar price as a majority of the rest of the hunt. You can also utilize an airline credit card to build miles/points and redeem them for your flights.
Find a 10 day hunt with a package that has the animals that you want. Talk to the outfitter and see if you can swap out some on the package for others.

Then tell your PH the animals that are on your priority list, he'll work his tail off trying to get you those animals. But remember that when hunting Africa that most of the animals are ones of opportunity in that you might be looking for a kudu and a big gemsbok comes into range. If it is on your list don't pass it up.
Hello fellow right brained humanoid.

I am looking at it as a shopping list. I picked eight animals, three are non negotiable, and got a quote. I’ll add or subtract from there. Instead of Gemsbok maybe I’ll get a Sable for example but I'm concentrating on my three.

I’m taking my rifle. One of them at least. I prefer my own stuff. I’ll share the old lady but not my guns.

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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?