AH ambassador
No drill holes in mine..Well a long awaited crate makes for a happy day! But unfortunately all is not 100%
All in total from 2 safaris:
Buff -skull and cape
2 Blesbok - skulls and 1 cape, 1 rug
Zebra - rug
Warthog - skull
Baboon -skull
Gemsbok - skull, cape, backskin
Waterbok -skull and cape
Nyala - skull, cape
Cow eland -skull and rug
Springbok -skul and cape
Black Wildebeest -skull
*Missing are my nyala horns and the skull is toast. I'll take it up with the taxidermist who has a good reputation of making things right, still unfortunate.
*Also question for you guys who have recently imported trophies( at least un-mounted ones) All the horns have holes drilled in them to put the ID tags with them. Anyone else experience this recently? See some of the pics to look at the tips of horns.
Thanks for any feedback!