Ontario Hunter
AH legend
I'll start this with shoelaces. Okay, I'm sure laces are the last thing on anyone's outdoor gear list, but they can make a big difference. First, throw away paracord laces! Seems to be the in thing these days for hiking boots but that crap is worse than useless, especially as laces. Doesn't hold a knot, snags on brush and burrs, and frays and breaks in short order. Quality outdoors stores sell waxed braided nylon laces. Those hold up and hold a knot. I found these laces in our local work clothing outlet. They are tough and hold knots better than most. Also narrow so they slide through hooks and holes better to tighten laces. Ad literature says you can pull a car with them and I believe it.
For my kind of hunting getting a knot to hold, even with quality laces, is almost mission impossible. Snowberries and wild roses seem particularly skilled at untying knots. Double bow knots doesn't do it for me. About the third time I was retying my laces and the dogs put up a pheasant I finally decided to try something new. I still double bow tie but for the second knot I run the rabbit around his house twice.
Here's once around.
Here's twice around.
Here's knot pulled tight.
I have never had this knot loosen or come undone. However, it does require some dexterity and patience to untie it.
For my kind of hunting getting a knot to hold, even with quality laces, is almost mission impossible. Snowberries and wild roses seem particularly skilled at untying knots. Double bow knots doesn't do it for me. About the third time I was retying my laces and the dogs put up a pheasant I finally decided to try something new. I still double bow tie but for the second knot I run the rabbit around his house twice.
Here's once around.
Here's twice around.
Here's knot pulled tight.
I have never had this knot loosen or come undone. However, it does require some dexterity and patience to untie it.