Lioness Hunt South Africa Kalahari 2022 US$3,000

I'll be there 5-12 Jun. Will you be there during this time?
Bummer.. I will depart on the 3rd of June.
Seemed like an opportunity to meet another member.

Safe travels!
Somehow I screwed up my dates, so I’m getting there on the 4th. I would have prob have bumped into you. Bummer.

You will have a great time . What rifle are you using ?

I’m taking a CZ-550 worked on by AHR, in 375 H&H, with a Trijicon Accupoint 1-6x24.

Hello Everybody.
We wish that 2022 will be a prosperous and healthy year for everyone.

Following numerous requests for our new lion specials for 2022 here they are.
We tried to keep the prices the same as 2021 but had to take away the free pick up and drop off in Johannesburg and we had to lessen the hunting days from 5 days (6 nights) to 4 days (5 nights) included.
The reasons for that is that demand for lion hunts are up.
This year will probably be the last year that the South African government will allow lion hunting before they close it down.
So everybody is booking lion hunts like crazy.
The second reason is that supply of lions are down.
Like us many other outfitters and breeders do not want to be caught with their pants around their ankles when the government shuts down lion hunting so they have reduced their lion numbers drastically during last year.
We personally have reduced our lion numbers by more than 50 % during 2021.

So if you want to hunt a lion do not wait any longer.
Do not say next year that nobody warned you that 2022 will be the last year you will be able to hunt a lion.

To our clients who booked the 2021 packages last year - well done to you.
We are looking forward to have you with us.

Hans De Klerk

View attachment 445166
Hans, this is Cajun Hunter (AJ) on this side. Regards and hope all is well there. I would like to take you up on your Lioness Hunt. I am going to be in Limpopo region April 20 > 27, hunting Hippo. Don’t know how far you are from the camp at Marvel Safaris?? But thought we might have time for your hunt as well. Give me a shout when you get get my message please. Thanks!
Hello BLJC30
No, unfortunately the US Fish and Wildlife department has decided to shut down all lion import permits to the USA in 2016.
Many American clients still hunt lion as it is perfectly legal.
There are 3 countries who does not allow the importation of lion trophies.
They are USA, Australia and France.
Many of our USA clients export their lion trophies to Canada or Mexico or one of the Caribean islands.
So if you have a house in one of these places or have friends living there you can ship your lion trophies there if you wish.
There is a lot of info about this subject on this site as well as the internet.

Hans de Klerk
Hans, this is Cajun Hunter and I am new to this platform but not to hunting Africa. I sent you an inquiry about your Lioness hunt. I haven’t seen anything since so don’t know if you got it?? I am going to be in Limpopo hunting Hippo in latter part of April. If you aren’t too far from there I would like to come to try for a lioness. Dates for my trip at Marvel Safaris is Apr. 20>27.
PS- think I may have hunted with you previously? 7or 8 years ago. Shot a lioness then as well. Thanks, AJ
@PARA45 when are you in camp?
PARA45 will be with us June 5 to 12.
DieJager you will be with us May 28 to June 3 so you guys will miss each other with a couple days.

Had a cancellation (May 21 to 27) from a German gentleman who is hosting some Ukrianian refugees in his house. He postponed his safari to 2023.
This war affects everybody in some way.

Hans de Klerk
Hans, this is Cajun Hunter and I am new to this platform but not to hunting Africa. I sent you an inquiry about your Lioness hunt. I haven’t seen anything since so don’t know if you got it?? I am going to be in Limpopo hunting Hippo in latter part of April. If you aren’t too far from there I would like to come to try for a lioness. Dates for my trip at Marvel Safaris is Apr. 20>27.
PS- think I may have hunted with you previously? 7or 8 years ago. Shot a lioness then as well. Thanks, AJ
Hello Cajun Hunter
Sorry for the late reply.
Only saw your post now.
Have been very busy the last 3 weeks with an 18 day safari.

My daughter is getting married on April 16 so we blocked out the dates April 13 to 17.
We have another safari April 18 to 20.
Then we have an opening April 21 to 27 so we can do your safari then but the problem is that the lion hunting permits and licenses take at least 2 weeks (most of the time 3 weeks) to process.
You do not give us much time to organise your hunt.
Usually most hunters will book a year or sometimes 2 years in advance.

If we receive all your information before Friday April 8 we might be able to get your permits and hunting license in time.
There is a committee that is supposed to sit once a week on Tuesdays that approve the hunting licenses. The applications have to be in before Friday 1 pm to be considered for the Tuesday meeting.
If we miss the Friday deadline we have to wait for the next week's meeting.
Sometimes the committee will skip one week so it will be very tight but if you send the info through with a deposit we can start tomorrow with your application.
We would need the following from you :
Deposit $1500
Copy of passport
Residential address (not a postal address)
Caliber you want to use on the lioness (375 minimum)
Which taxidermist you want to transport the lioness skin to (for the transport permit)

As you can see it very complicated to organise a lion hunt and cannot be attempted on short notice.
We can do it provided you step up to the plate and provide all the info and deposit before Friday April 8.

I am not sure where Marvel Safaris are but if they are in Limpopo province it is at least a full day's drive from them to us in the Kalahari. Charter plane is another option as we have our own airstrip but it will be expensive.

Let us know what you want to do.

Hans de Klerk
See you soon Hans. :)
This is the lioness that @PARA45 got yesterday.
Tracked them for several hours then ran into some buffalo.
Big herd with cows and calves.
Some cows nearly charged us as they wanted to defend their calves.
We were all looking for suitable trees to climb.
Could not understand why they were so aggressive until we ran into the lioness 100 yards from the buffalo.
Her attention were focused on the buffalo so we managed to sneak closer to the lioness undetected.
When we got 108 yards from the lioness she noticed us but was not sure what we were as we were hidden behind some bushes.
Set up the shooting sticks and PARA45 made a perfect shot.
PARA45 was using a 375 H&H that he bought from @degoins who hunted with us last year.
Small world.
Got to run.
Will talk again later.

Hans de Klerk

PARA45 Lioness.jpg
Last edited by a moderator:
This is the lioness that @PARA45 got yesterday.
Tracked them for several hours then ran into some buffalo.
Big herd with cows and calves.
Some cows nearly charged us as they wanted to defend their calves.
We were all looking for suitable trees to climb.
Could not understand why they were so aggressive until we ran into the lioness 100 yards from the buffalo.
Her attention were focused on the buffalo so we managed to sneak closer to the lioness undetected.
When we got 108 yards from the lioness she noticed us but was not sure what we were as we were hidden behind some bushes.
Set up the shooting sticks and PARA45 made a perfect shot.
PARA45 was using a 375 H&H that he bought from @degoins who hunted with us last year.
Small world.
Got to run.
Will talk again later.

Hans de Klerk

View attachment 470262
Han, Congrats on great outing for PARA45. I’m sure all AH members would like to hunt with you even though we can’t get get the cats home for the present. I had hunted with you several years back and also sho a beautiful lioness. Just returned from Limpopo hunting with Marvel Africa Safaris and shot another one with them. Had tried to get back to your place but the logistics wouldn’t work on a short hunt. I would certainly like to visit you again and can assure all our members that you have a great place. I am returning to Zim next year for elephants but don’t have dates locked down as yet. Wish I was in country now as it is beginning to get really hot here in Louisiana. Thanks !!
Hello Cajun Hunter
Sorry for the late reply.
Only saw your post now.
Have been very busy the last 3 weeks with an 18 day safari.

My daughter is getting married on April 16 so we blocked out the dates April 13 to 17.
We have another safari April 18 to 20.
Then we have an opening April 21 to 27 so we can do your safari then but the problem is that the lion hunting permits and licenses take at least 2 weeks (most of the time 3 weeks) to process.
You do not give us much time to organise your hunt.
Usually most hunters will book a year or sometimes 2 years in advance.

If we receive all your information before Friday April 8 we might be able to get your permits and hunting license in time.
There is a committee that is supposed to sit once a week on Tuesdays that approve the hunting licenses. The applications have to be in before Friday 1 pm to be considered for the Tuesday meeting.
If we miss the Friday deadline we have to wait for the next week's meeting.
Sometimes the committee will skip one week so it will be very tight but if you send the info through with a deposit we can start tomorrow with your application.
We would need the following from you :
Deposit $1500
Copy of passport
Residential address (not a postal address)
Caliber you want to use on the lioness (375 minimum)
Which taxidermist you want to transport the lioness skin to (for the transport permit)

As you can see it very complicated to organise a lion hunt and cannot be attempted on short notice.
We can do it provided you step up to the plate and provide all the info and deposit before Friday April 8.

I am not sure where Marvel Safaris are but if they are in Limpopo province it is at least a full day's drive from them to us in the Kalahari. Charter plane is another option as we have our own airstrip but it will be expensive.

Let us know what you want to do.

Hans de Klerk
Hans, Sorry!!! Only just now seeing your response and hunt inquiry for my late April hunt. Have a better knowledge of planning and permitting time table now and it will help for the future. I do remember the one day drive to Limpopo as that’s what I did on my previous hunt with you which was also organized by Marvel Africa. Thing is, they had moved their base and I didn’t know how far it was from the old location. Hope we can hunt together again in the near future.
I can highly recommend this hunt. Hans and his crew will take great care of you. First class operation all the way. Frikkie is an excellent PH and a fine companion on the hunt. I've already sent a deposit for 2023.

Congrats to Oscar and the DeKlerk crew on a great lioness and an exciting hunt!!!
Han, Congrats on great outing for PARA45. I’m sure all AH members would like to hunt with you even though we can’t get get the cats home for the present. I had hunted with you several years back and also sho a beautiful lioness. Just returned from Limpopo hunting with Marvel Africa Safaris and shot another one with them. Had tried to get back to your place but the logistics wouldn’t work on a short hunt. I would certainly like to visit you again and can assure all our members that you have a great place. I am returning to Zim next year for elephants but don’t have dates locked down as yet. Wish I was in country now as it is beginning to get really hot here in Louisiana. Thanks !!
Once you have your dates locked down for the elephant hunt do the lion hunt either before or after the elephant hunt. You have to fly through Johannesburg before and after and we pick up all our clients in Johannesburg.
Have a good day.
Hans de Klerk
Gentlemen (and I am sure a few Ladies as well)

See below an extract from a speech that our dear minister of Environmental Affair Barbara Greecy made to our National Assembly.
She is anti hunting and wants to shut down all lion hunting in South Africa.
This speech was delivered on May 18, 2022.
The "Panel of Experts" that she is talking about contains a lot of anti hunting people.
Not a single lion breeder or safari operator or Professional Hunter sits on the "Panel of Experts".
The "High Level Panel Report" is so skewed against hunting and it has such impractical suggestions that it can never work in the real world.

Following on that speech Ms Greecy published on July 8, 2022 a 76 page WHITE PAPER in our Government Gazette (where all new laws and regulations get published).
In the WHITE PAPER she gives us the public only 60 days to comment on issues on how to manage our own wildlife. We have commented in the past on these white papers and never received any response from the government so my guess is our "comments" end up in the trash bin.

So the ball is in motion and it is only a matter of time before lion hunting in South Africa will be shut down. Maybe forever as once a government makes a decision to shut down something it is almost impossible to get the government to reverse that decision.

So for you guys out there who still want to hunt a lion at affordable prices now is the time to do it.
You can always do the plains game or buffalo hunt later but the window on lion hunts in South Africa is closing fast.
Next year might be too late.

Just wanted to share this with you so you guys know what is going on here in South Africa.

Hans de Klerk

PS. See report below.


*18 MAY 2022*

Honourable Members,

A year ago I released the High Level Panel Report which reviewed policies, legislation and practices related to the management, breeding, hunting, trade and handling of elephant, lion, leopard and rhinoceros.

In June 2021 the Department released a draft Policy Position for public comment which covered some of the panel’s key recommendations. The public comment process solicited over 9000 comments from widely divergent views.

Accordingly, the Department decided to proceed with the development of a White Paper on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of South Africa’s Biodiversity.

The White Paper will be considered by Cabinet during June this year, whereafter it will be published for public comment.

*We don’t have to wait for the White Paper to formalise new approaches and practices in line with the High Level Panel’s recommendations. Certain measures can proceed now on a mutually agreed basis.*

On the issue of the captive lion industry, *I intend to establish a Panel of Experts to formulate and oversee implementation* of a voluntary exit strategy for those who wish to participate .

I believe that by engaging and working with stakeholders, we can develop a voluntary strategy that can mitigate risks, including the effect on the local economy, job creation and the welfare and well-being of the lions themselves.

This Panel will have clearly defined terms of reference, and tight timelines, so that effect can be given to the HLP recommendation, and the decision emanating from the 2018 Parliamentary Colloquium on Lions.

South Africa also needs a species recovery plan for white rhino, which considers the poaching crisis, and the potential we have to breed of white rhino in controlled environments for conservation purposes, in support of conserving rhino in extensive wildlife systems.

I believe that such a plan can be *developed in partnership with private rhino owners*, giving effect to the Panel recommendations in a voluntary win-win scenario. I have requested SANParks to lead the development of such a recovery plan as a key element of their work in this financial year.

Parliament has approved an amendment to the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, which will enable the development of legislation at national level relating to the well-being of wildlife.

We are in the process of establishing a wildlife welfare forum that will promote biodiversity conservation and the ecologically sustainable, responsible and humane use and management of wildlife.
If they do ban it how long would it be until out into effect?

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Hello! I’m new… from Texas!
schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.