We seem to have gone slightly off-topic. My own thoughts are, firstly, that the great age of African safaris - as seen in Out of Africa, and read about in Horn of the Hunter - is over, and what is available nowadays is a simulacrum of what once was. It seems to me - and I have never done it - that one could pay an awful lot of money to get very close to the classic safari, without ever quite getting there.
(And would you want to? If you got trampled or gnawed, wouldn't you want the comfort of air evacuation, painkillers and antibiotics?)
I could buy myself the best of what is available nowadays - I'd have to liquidate some investments, incur a tax charge, and take the risk that everything goes to plan: but I also like Old Masters, cigars, and I have a hankering to take the family down the Nile. Decisions, decisions.
I have shot one buffalo, on a game farm in the Limpopo which I visit every year. We spent a week tracking the particular animal; there was a four hour follow-up through the mopani on a wounded animal after the initial shot (including a P-turn attempted ambush); and a final charge which came very close to flattening the PH. It was certainly one of the most exhilarating things that I have done in my life. When the lads arrived with the tractor and trailer, they sang in Shona as they winched the carcass aboard. The ladies and young 'uns came to the game larder to gawp at the carcass as it was skinned and dressed.
Most hunting, it seems to me, is what you make of it. As I say, I go back to the same game farm every year and am beginning to know everyone, remember their names (I'm terrible with names), ask after their families, joke with them, buy small carvings from them and bring small presents. The alternative is to fly in, shoot something out of a hide or the back of the bakkie as the animal goes to water, and bugger off again with your trophy, never to return.
That said, the one obvious disadvantage of a game farm is that their commercial imperative is to provide (and charge for) trophy animals: as Kevin Robertson says (in Africa's Most Dangerous), these are exactly the ones that ought to be left to breed. The market imperative is not there for scrum-cap animals, or worn horns. In no way do I criticise 30-06 Ken (the OP) and his PH for producing what the market wants: my own buffalo was a trophy - I can't tell you the width, because that is not what made the experience memorable. But, for example, in Scotland you would never be allowed to shoot the quality of animals that are offered up in South African game farms.
My final thought is, for all the criticism of such enclosed hunting, quite how large does an enclosure need to be to be 'free range'? The Kruger is fenced, for example. Does that make its inhabitants 'livestock'?
Perhaps the more important issue is hunting 30-06 Ken's buffalo ethically - putting the work in, getting tired and footsore, and making friends with and learning from the trackers - rather than quibbling about whether it is a more or less authentic experience than doing exactly the same thing somewhere else. I wish him well and am sure that he will have a super time (as long as he doesn't get flattened). Good luck and God speed to him.