"Lighter Politics" Humour

Need to verify that 33%. That number is probably from the Dead Voters Poll and Illegal Migrants Registered to Vote Poll lists still in their flash percentage drive file.

View attachment 616692
Rhetorical question: Could it happen or he wind up in an assisted living facility before September?
Rhetorical question: Could it happen or he wind up in an assisted living facility before September?

May be Rhetorical, BUT...A Very Godd Question.

Then take a look at all the probable, possible, plausible, impossible, improbable scenarios that could, can happen between now and January 20, 2025.

JMO...Doubt if he would go into any assisted living facility being a (former) POTUS. Most likely home assisted healthcare situation where he would "quietly" expire in his sleep after a "significant" amount of time.

Then our communist MSM would down play, ie. cover up his having a long term illness; as due to his "recent" health issues. The usual blah, blah, blah, lay in state protocol, etc.,etc..

Which begs my curiosity as to who and how many, (or rather few), people would actually attend. When he can't get more than 30 people (including the secret service, news and camera crews, and his wife) to show up to one of his campaign speeches.

Yet Another thought....Regardless of where he ends up for all eternity....would either place allow those other souls that he wrongfully claimed voted for him the right to tar and feather and / or inflict other such punshishment(s) upon him for falsely saying they voted for him. :unsure: :unsure:
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Long way to go to push that cart in to the rack ten feet away. No worries, I got it. I'd bet my SS check it was a Biden voter.


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Bluecyclone wrote on LES7's profile.
Hello there,
Could you tell me if your model 70 has two recoil lugs? I have heard some of the super express rifles had one, while the safari express has two.
Thank you.
Saddlemaker wrote on Drexel64742's profile.
Hi Drexel, Would like to purchase your brass , Would a business check be fine?
overunderranger wrote on Stamp Collector's profile.
I'm interested in the 28 gauge Ruger, if you still have it.
Tanner wrote on gearguywb's profile.
I’m blown away the rifle hasn’t sold. I will take it!
wolfhunter wrote on Mark haynes's profile.
I hunted with you a couple years back speedy goat with Don Lynch call me