Hi gvincen,
we don't have more anti hunters than most other places per head of population its just that they are more voiciferus and have been given free reign by ignorant newspapers. The level of ingnorance towards hunting in the U.K. is astounding. Someone who should have known better actually tried to tell me that all hunting in the continent of Africa was banned after I had just returned! We are no longer a rural society. We are largely ran by urban governments who do not care about the countryside or those who work and live there and there is lots of jealousy towards land owners.
The "League against cruel sports" are the main organisation opposed to any involvement with animals for sport or food and are so radical that they would rather the extinction of a species than it be hunted, managed. I am not too sure of my facts but I believe their membership is below 5000. The Countryside alliance (pro hunting) has about 150,000 and B.A.S.C. has about 100,000 also pro hunt.
Another point that I would like to make is that the "antis" hate people more than they love animals if infact they even love animals I once had my 8 year old son assaulted when out hunting. These folks are bullies and are more interested in imposing their will on folk than saving one animal.
Not sure why they pick on Americans but over here we tend not to tell many people about our activities, just the way we are.