And best it happen at the range, on a lead sled, than 5 days into a 15-20 day Alaska adventure (always been my worry...get flown in, dropped off, and have something like that happen).
I agree with what you say..When there is recoil something has to give ..If it is all held by the stock with no movement sooner or later something is going break or at least wobble out...Wife and I both have brakes on our 06's and love them..If you can't stand the noise put the threaded cap on for hunting...I have one, it does it's job. But I don't particularly like to use it. I have read, never witnessed it nor know anyone personally who has experienced it, that in the hard kickers that it kills wood stocks. Weighted down there's no give on the recoil end. The barrel and action thus slam your stock, I'd presume this to be worse at the tang. I could buy into this, but can't help but wonder if the stock is properly bedded that this wouldn't be an issue. I would not think that would be a problem for the 7-08 or other such calibers.
From my experience, there's no need to lug around the 25lb bags of sand or lead shot to use it effectively. 5lbs or thereabouts should do the trick.
My dislike about it is that I just don't like the shooting position it puts me into. It for all purposes extends the length of pull of your rifle and this puts me into an awkward position to properly see through the scope.
More than a few people have ended up using their buddies or guides rifle. That is one thing that the new composite style stocks, and stainless steel have going for it, durability. Maybe ugly to some but if they won't break and will keep functioning that's huge in many situations.
I agree with what you say..When there is recoil something has to give ..If it is all held by the stock with no movement sooner or later something is going break or at least wobble out...Wife and I both have brakes on our 06's and love them..If you can't stand the noise put the threaded cap on for hunting...
In that respect, and in the realm of the affordable, one could hardly do better than this: