Virtually all of my friends own firearms, and have a good concept of hunting; otherwise they likely wouldn't be friends.
Of course.
In USA, there is more guns then people. Sport related shooting activities and recreational shooting is popular, not to mention CCW community.
On the far end of the World:
At my place, 2.7% of population own some firearm, and only half of them are hunters.
I did collect good number of friends from a target shooting community, hunters, military or police who are also in these sports.
But 2.7% in society remains 2.7%.
Out of these 2.7 % remain the rest - 97.3%, which really have no idea.
I just remember another two famous questions.
1. Do you shoot REAL bullets at the range?
2. Do you really have a license for sniper rifle? (thats a hunting rifle, bolt action, with scope)
But I will give credit, for this. It may even be logical, if a laymen perspective is that real bullets are dangerous, and snipers (whatever that may be) are related to police and military work, and general perception of hunting gun is to be proverbial Elmer Fudds side by side shotgun, with hammers, as it comes from cartoons.
In socialist Yugoslavia, there was school premilitary class, and in primary school we all learned theory, with practical part shooting air rifles. (14 yo)
Later at high school, last year of study (18 yo), we had advanced program with more details, with practical part on the range shooting m48 (yugo clone of mauser 98k)
Nobody from that generation will ask if I shoot real bullets at the range.
They passed classsic school education.
Needless to say, as a kid and teenager I knew both school books of premilitary mil training backwards.
And was comparing my grandpa rifles with what I was learning at school (he had commercial yugo mauser m98 for hunting).
As he was ww2 vet, I would always ask additional questions of his experiences to supplement my knowledge. (I was "A" student in this class, btw...)
Now in modern "advanced" school system, this part of education is gone (because old system was primitive, and so unclassy, and politically not correct).
And majority of population have no idea.