Our first safari is less than 50 days away.
We booked this trip a year and a half in advance.
My wife and I will be hunting PG animals only, no DG.
We found out by accident that our original PH (I'll call him CH) is being replaced by another PH (TJ).
One of the staff mentioned that we will be hunting with TJ in an email to my wife...
Turns out CH's wife is having a baby which has necessitated the change.
CH is their most senior and respected PH, TJ the most junior.
My wife and I were quite comfortable with CH, but have never even met TJ.
My concerns are these.
Is this normal?
Should I be concerned?
I'm pissed beyond belief at the moment and I know that I'll calm down, but should I even be pissed?
Haven't decided what I want to do or how to handle the situation at the moment.
Would appreciate some advice from the membership.