Koedoeberg Hunting Special 2012

What an offer!
I would like to know more about Koedoeberg game farm itself. I visited the website, so I know where it is located, but I have a few questions.
How many acres or hectares is the entire place?
How many acres is the hunting area? (I've noticed that many of these ranches boast a large # of acres, but the actual hunting area may be much smaller, as they hold out large blocks of the place as non hunting/breeding areas).
Is all the hunting for this package conducted on that one specific piece of land, or are you moving from one ranch to another?
Thank you in advance for your response.
Thanks for the interest Bossmustangace

Out farm is 1500 ha fenced and 300 ha unfenced .
Then we have concessions on more farms . We try hunt as near our farm as possible . With this special most of the animals will be taken on my farm . We rotate between farms depending on the amount of hunters and extra animals .
On average on a week hunt a hunter will hunt on 3 to 4 different farms. All in 40 minutes radius.

If you want to hunt on a 15000 ha farm we can do that . The travel time to the farm is about 4.5 hours from joburg. Then we will just stick to the 1 farm . My special is not valid for that farm though .
I have one question. If one hunter want to hunt with rifle, and the other want to hunt with a bow, is it in some way possible to arrange that in a reasonible way?
Bow and rifle


Yes we could do it . This is a 2 client 1 PH hunt . Maybe one would need a extra PH cause maybe the rifle hunter won't want to sit in the hide the whole day.

If you interested mail me and I can have a look .

I mailed you :cool:
Another great deal

On the back of the response to this deal , we going to offer another great deal .

10 hunting days with some great trophies .
Nathan will post shortly.

Please have a look as soon as is posted .
Looking forward to hunt with you Willem!
Wolverine67, I am sure you will have a great time and good luck. Post plenty of pics after the hunt....
35bore, will do for sure!
Trond at what time will you and your son be hunting there? is this going to be his first African hunt? Good luck to you both can't wait to read your report. Bob
Hello Bob

My son couldnt do it, because he will serve in the army this year. So I am going with a buddy.
Hello Bob

My son couldnt do it, because he will serve in the army this year. So I am going with a buddy.

Trond Glad you have a buddy that can make the trip with you but sorry to hear your son isn't going to be able to make it. How does the Army time work in your country is it alot like Germany when they finish school they Automatically serve in the army for a short time or is it like here in the States you join for a short tour and then decide if you want to make a career out of it.
Hi Bob
Yes its similar to Germany, you automaticly serve for about one year. Normally everybody are obliged to serve, but in the past years only the best fitted have to serve. The rest normally have to do civil dutys. This is of course due to cuts in the budgets. You may say we have a much smaller, but more professional army now, than what it was when I served.

We are fully booked till end Oktober. The whole of November is available .

Good hunting to all of you !
Willem had the pleasure of hunting with US clients Jeremy and Steve in the early part of April for this package offer. They had a very successful hunt with many trophies being taken and a good time had by all. Here are some pictures of a few of the trophies they harvested during their stay at Koedoeberg. As Willem stated above, there are openings for November 2012 for this hunting package. Feel free to contact Willem or myself with any questions on this offer.


Nathan Jonas
North American Representative
Koedoeberg Safaris South Africa
Koedoeberg | Home

Jeremy- Black Wildebeest.jpgJeremy-Blesbok.JPGJeremy-Blue Wildebeest.JPGJeremy-Common Springbok.jpgJeremy-Impala.JPGJeremy-Kudu.JPGJeremy-Kudu-Bow.JPGJeremy-Warthog.JPGSteve- Gemsbok.jpgSteve-Black Wildebeest.jpgSteve-Impala.JPGSteve-Kudu.JPGSteve-Blesbok.jpg
This offer is nothing but FANTASTIC! Should be able to add a couple other species in the 5 days for even a better value.

Willem, you the man for such a offer to the AH hunting community.
This was a great trip! I would like to say a trip of a life time but I am already planning a return trip. The Quality of this trip from the food, lodging, ph's, and trophy quality far surpassed my expectations.
You could do it in 5 days but you have flown to the other side of the world why no add an extra day or two. I did and wish I still had a few more. I assure you that you will not regret being there for too long of a time but will regret cutting yourself short.
It is a good deal and no doubt that Willem runs a great operation. Only unfortunate part of pricing of this level is that it is killing other outfitters aswell..... To be straight forward there is no way a outfitter paying a concession can compete with these prices. Is this a good or bad thing?

Best regards,

Thank you for the kind words. You and Steve had an amazingly successful hunt! Congratulations!!

I am of the opinion that any hunt that results in a positive experience for the client benefits everyone in the African Hunting community. When a client returns home with tales of their hunt, they spread their passion not only for hunting, but hunting the African continent. These experiences inspire others to consider their own African hunting safari. The wide variety of hunting outfitters at many price levels allows more people access to the hunt of their dreams.
Happy Hunting,

Nathan Jonas

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T/C wrote on Dewald's profile.
Hi Dewald,
I am looking for a copy of Wright's "Shooting the British Double Rifle" (3E).
Please PM me (T/C) if you still have one.
Thank you very much in advance!!!
I am game for a meat and eat. My attempt at humor.
rigby 416 wrote on rifletuner's profile.
Come from cz like that.
John A Flaws wrote on Horbs's profile.
500 schuler magazine.jpg
500 schuler bore.jpg
500 and 425 rifles.jpg
500 and 425 magaizne.jpg