Nice clean, professional and quick loading website. But I am totally confused on content and have more questions than answers after visiting your website. I have the luxury of looking at your website as a potential new customer, I don't know anything about your operations except that you are held in high regard from your customers and the members of this site. Please note that I am just trying to help and no personal offense is intended.
In no particular order:
1) Tell us more about your operations in South Africa, how big is your farm? Travel distances to other concessions? Tell us about a typical hunting day?
2) I see price lists for other countries, why? Do you own land there? If not what type of arrangement is it? Why should we use you to visit Zambia for instance?
3) Tours - All you show is Victoria Falls or at least it seems that way. Which of the tours is close to you on the Eastern Cape. What can the observer do while I am hunting? A little clarity there would help.
I recognize that you can do a lot of different trips and in different countries, but I believe most people at least start looking at KMG because they want to hunt the eastern cape of South Africa.
Hope this helps and again no offense intended.