Just over 100 Days for 1st Africa trip and this ...

Make sure you sue grandma....there's a couple extra animals in it for you ;)
Actually your medical insurance may sue grandma's home owners insurance. I fell out of a tree stand on my buddy's property. My medical insurance tried to go after his home owner's insurance to recover their pay outs. Fortunately here in Ohio landowners are protected from this if the hunter has signed permission from the landowner which I had.
Sorry to hear that, just do what your doc recommends.
Rough luck, but you'll get through it. Stay strong and work hard! Nothing like a trip to Africa to motivate you!
Surgery in the morning, 8-10 week recovery time and 14 weeks to Africa. Doc said it shouldn't be a problem to goto Africa.
I Really hope all goes well and you can make the safari.
Drat the luck, but a little super glue and a couple of screws or a rod should have that bone back together. Then 6 to 8 weeks of healing and you will be back on your feet and ready to hunt.

Pins in! Now just the recovery. Doc doesn't think it will be an issue to go, might be a little slower on my feet but shouldn't have a problem. Thanks for the encouragement gents! In about 14-15 weeks I'll post one hell of a hunting report!
My issue when my cast came off was that my calf muscle had shrunk down to nothing and my Achilles' tendon was stiffer than Hell.
My issue when my cast came off was that my calf muscle had shrunk down to nothing and my Achilles' tendon was stiffer than Hell.

I should 2-4 weeks before I go after I'm 'good', planning to spend it stretching my ankle out and then walking as much as I can to free it up and get it ready. But that is a worry.
You should be good with 4 weeks. We're rooting for you!
Wishing you a speedy recovery. I would go in a wheelchair or walking cast if I had to. Africa is worth it and Limcroma is definitely worth it!
Imagine the story you will have after you receive your Taxidermy... "That there Kudu we call Ankle...and that Impala we call screws". Wishing a speedy recovery and a great hunt.
I hear that Limcroma team is super. You just get prepared and all will be well.
Sitting at Doc to get the stitches from surgery out. He says I'll be on my feet no problem by the time I leave. Might still be a little stiff / Sore, but should be fully mobile, depending on how serious I am about rehab (I'm serious!). Other great news, no cast, just a medical boot for the next 4 weeks.

Super excited for this trip!



Whoop whoop!
I would HIGHLY recommend that you wear calf sleeves as well as take a few baby aspirin and make sure that you walk around the plane as much as possible. The last thing you need is a DVT developing while on the long plane ride. Just my 2 cents. Hope you recover quickly!
I had planned to get some ankle support, but hadn't thought about a calf length compression sock. Good call!
You can can do it Mike B! You might not be in top condition, but you'll drive yourself to do it.
I broke my leg back country skiing years ago. 7 weeks later the cast came off. Next day I jumped out of a perfectly good airplane...no problem. If I could do something like that, I'm sure you can do well on Safari!
Best of luck and keep your spirit up!
Mike B, compression socks on long flights help immensely (IMO). I take multiple trips to China each year and swear by them. Another thing I do to help with "foot swell", is to pack a cheap pair of those slippers that most hotels provide (or hospital slippers) and wear on the plane. This beats walking into a plane bathroom in your socks....NASTY. Then, I just throw them away or leave on plane at end of flight. Of course, these are provided in most business class seats. Best of luck recovering!
Mike, best of luck. Sounds like you already have a great physical therapist, worth their weight in gold. I've got a scar very similar to yours screws plate whole nine yards along with a new knee 9 years ago. My only problem is the TSA! Not my favorite folks to deal with always allow myself a little extra time.
Have an awesome hunt. And remember it's your story about the leg, so you can make it as interesting as you would like.
Mike B
Put all the card on the table with your Dr and your Outfitter. No reason to risk your life and potential complications of your injury with something that could have been prevented by pots-phoning your safari. Life is more important.
Best of luck with the added stress. We wish for your speedy recovery.
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1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?
Trogon wrote on Mac Baren's profile.
@Mac Baren, I live central to city of Cincinnati. I have work travel early this week but could hopefully meet later this week (with no schedule changes). What area of town are you working/staying in?
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