AH ambassador
I tried to post this earlier but I got blocked and had to have J clear me,, again. Anyway, shot this beast today and results were good. Fired it standing for the first round to get the feel of it, then sat down on the bench with a few factory loads and sighted in, that took 2 rounds after a manual bore sighting. I had 3 handloads to try, two of 3 rounds and one of 4. I had some hangfires due I suppose to the amount of space in the case using reduced loads with slower powders but the loads came right out of the Hornady manual, but I did use a different primer than H did, I used a CCI 250 LRM where H used the Fed primer I think. I will use those next time because I HATE hangfires! 3 rounds of IMR 7828 went into less than an inch. 2 of 3 went into an inch with R25, the first was a hangfire. The last load with IMR 4831 had 2 hangfires, and was the smallest charge owing to being the fastest of the powders tried. Was trying to get loads in the Jeffery range as opposed to full power Rigby loads which produce about the same energy as the .458 Win mag and we know how much they are to shoot, not