John Wayne - Hatari

Is that a Russell above the fireplace?
No, it’s a Fred Harmon. He did the Red Rider And Little Beaver comic strip. He was actually a very good western artist.
When I was in college in 1968 my aunt invited me for skiing in Aspen for the New Year's holidays. One day I was in a ski shop in Aspen looking through ski pants in a rack. Another man came up to the same rack and started flipping through the pants. I looked at his hands--big, gnarled hands of an older man. I heard people whispering and I looked up--way up--at the man next to me. It was John Wayne. I'm 5' 10" and he towered over me. He could not have been nicer. He was wearing a lumberjack cap to cover his head (which was bald--he wore a small wig in his films). He patiently stopped and posed for photos with all of the ladies in the shop and outside in the street. Aspen was a big getaway in those days for the jet set and Hollywood stars. I later saw Kathryn Ross (the Graduate and Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid) at dinner in the Red Onion restaurant.
Hatari is a good film about Africa and the action scenes are great.
Kathyrn Ross, starred with John Wayne, in "Hellfighters". She is married to Sam Elliott.
I have watched this movie many times over the years. Red Buttons did a great job in the film.
I think the Duke only died in five of all the movies he made we've mentioned The Shootist, Cowboys, Sand of Iwo Jima,anybody remember the others
The Alamo where he played Davy Crockett.

He also produced it and almost went broke doing it
The Alamo, for sure.
Also The Fighting Seabees

There is one more that I remember, also I don't believe that he died in any of the B movies that he made


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This was the opening scene. The first movie I had scene where they rolled the credits later in the film. As a 14 y/o I thought it very dramatic!

After watching that clip I have to watch Hatari again.
After watching that clip I have to watch Hatari again.

It may be on TV this month since Mr Wayne was born here in May and there are a couple of channels that are showing a lot of his movies.
One of my favprtie movies and my son loves it probarbly watched it now over 10 times.
Proper movie with a good story, action and comedy.
I've mentioned on this forum before that I had an opportunity, shortly before he passed away, to sit down at lunch with Jan Oelofse who supervised much of the animal handling for the movie and was responsible for managing the scenes with Sonja the cheetah (there were several Sonja's by the way). One of the funniest stories was about shooting of the scene where the cheetah walks into the bathroom while Elsa Martinelli was bathing. Hawks attempted about half a dozen takes, the cat wasn't cooperating, and Elsa's bubbles were fast disappearing. Finally, Jan had to lie down behind the tub in order to get Sonja to go where they needed her. He allowed that staying focused on the cheetah was not entirely easy. They were apparently a rowdy crew who got along well and played hard when not shooting. He also confirmed that virtually none of the capture shots were done with stunt doubles, and during them that Wayne could curse solidly for minutes at a time without repeating himself (you'll notice when watching the movie that Wayne's voice is dubbed into those scenes). It is a great movie.

Red Leg, you are an extremely lucky man to have had a chat with Jan Oelofse, I bet he had plenty interesting stories, lunch wouldn't have been long enough. Thank you for sharing the behind the scenes story, the cheetah in the bathroom is a scene that I always remembered :)

My mother was always thrilled to see the baby elephants charging through the general store that she used to shop at in Arusha. The milking the goats scene was always a laugh, and so was the rocket net scene. My father's friend used to collect wildlife for the San Diego zoo, playing African cowboy on horseback, which was a far safer option for the captured animal rather than running them down with a vehicle. My father and Tickey (Richard Cade) were trying to capture marabou storks at the local dump/tip. They first tried using horse pills, but gave up because they had no effect on this ugly species of stork, so they ended up concealing themselves beneath all the trash and grabbing the storks legs as they passed by. They must have stunk after that episode :)

I have attached a couple of images of Richard from my fathers camp outs. Also, I didn't realise he had a web page :





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Thank you for sharing the story and the photos. And you are correct, not many things are uglier than a marabou stork! I would imagine one would have a battle on his hands once he grabbed onto one!

Yes, I was very fortunate. Nancy and I were staying and hunting with Nick and Isabel Nolte near Omaruru (as much vacation as hunting trip). Friends of theirs came up, and we all decided to go up to the Oelofse's Okonjati ranch where they were holding a game auction. Annette and Alexander were managing the bidders, and Nick introduced us to Jan. A bit later he asked us to sit with him over lunch. I can't remember much about the auction, but listening to Jan's tales is a memory I will cherish forever. One of the last of a very special breed.


Hatari was the name of our Game Ranch in the Tuli block SE Botswana. I had always assumed it was a local Motswana name until my American Brother in law came for a visit one year and asked if we had named the Ranch after the John Wayne movie. I have still not seen the movie but shall now make a concerted effort to find a copy!
Well, I’m about to watch it again. My wife just laughed at me, this is not the first or second time I’m making her watch it. I think by now she doesn’t even mind it.
When I made my wife watch it, about halfway through she goes "I feel like all they do is hunt, drink and smoke, is that why you like Africa?"

I could only reply, yeah well thats only part of it. But I do watch it everytime I get a bit nostalgic for Africa.
Well, I’m about to watch it again. My wife just laughed at me, this is not the first or second time I’m making her watch it. I think by now she doesn’t even mind it.

Correction, my wife now says it’s one of her favourite movies.
Hatari was the name of our Game Ranch in the Tuli block SE Botswana. I had always assumed it was a local Motswana name until my American Brother in law came for a visit one year and asked if we had named the Ranch after the John Wayne movie. I have still not seen the movie but shall now make a concerted effort to find a copy!

"Hatari" means "danger" in Swahili, IIRC.

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