Jihadists seize Moz port

The civilized world need to decide what to da with ISIS and the rest of militant Islam. If the decsion is to remove it they they need to just get the job done. And right behind the troops there need to a ready made plan to take care of the civilian (a plan to get hospitals, schools, infrastructure) up to a working condition. He'll, throw in some burger joints as well!)
The last thing we can do is to allow Hardee's to use this as an opportunity to seize more control of the fast food market.
I’m just now finishing a book titled “Out of America. A Black Man’s Struggle with Africa “ by Keith Richburg. He was stationed in Africa as a Washington Compost reporter in the 1990s. Back when that “news” rag had a semblance of actual news reporting, like the rest of the mainstream media that are now openly 100% political activists. Richburg brutally documents one end of Africa to the other, failed nation after failed nation. He addresses what people have kindly suggested here (above), and he is terribly pessimistic about it, all of it. His writing is incredibly brutally honest. Which leads me to my own views about winning civilizational conflicts. On a totally different note, I’m about to begin reading some Sir Samuel Baker books, mostly about his adventures in Africa. See, reality drove me into fantasy.

I recall reading something about how the Brits put down the “Mau Mau Uprising” (1950’s?), by infiltrating them and very sporadically strangling or knifing “one here and another one there”.
The enemy, unable to conclude who was doing this, eventually began to suspect each other.
In-fighting resulted to the point that, they no longer had any spare time to murder farmers and shop keepers.
So, the Mau Mau eventually imploded.

Radical Terrorist Ideology is, unlike the very localized Mau Mau, unfortunately now world wide.
However, infiltrations and selective assignations could possibly be a valuable tool in the big tool box.

Anyone remember an outfit known as, “Executive Outcomes” or “Executive” something-or-another ?
I believe they were a mercenary force for hire, founded and administered by a South African fellow / fellows.

As I recall, they were very effective indeed, at sorting out anti-freedom / anti-government insurgents, in more than one African country.
Sadly, the UN, put so much pressure on them that they had to stand down.
The UN is in my opinion, part of the world wide problem lately.
But, my opinion is admittedly not based on any first hand, field experience.
It is based on the UN’s track record of favoring the disarming of peace loving citizens and of the UN’s track record of being opposed to the concept of each man and each woman’s God given right to self defense.

Peace Out,
Velo Dog.
Probably not good for the northern and eastern parts of the Niassa.

To bad the area was given to the Portuguese in the Treaty of Versailles. Tanzania would never have let the situation get out of hand.

sorry but could you explain the meaning of your statement?
Why are you saying that with Portugal the situation got out of hand?
in my opinion you are totally wrong and I am sure you dont even really know what you are saying!
Anyone remember an outfit known as, “Executive Outcomes” or “Executive” something-or-another ?
I believe they were a mercenary force for hire, founded and administered by a South African fellow / fellows.

Eeben Barlow wrote a book called Executive Outcomes about his own experiences. Although he may have had another opinion about being a mercenary.
I enjoyed reading the book.
Being a Muslim myself and someone who specifically fought in a war to drive other Muslims out of his country and prevent Sharia Law from getting introduced to my country , I believe that maybe I can provide my own input on this matter .

Islam ( like Christianity , Hinduism , Judaism or Buddhism ) has multiple sects . There are two main religious texts in Islam :
A ) The Quran
B ) The Hadith

The Quran is the book which was authored by the Muslim prophet ( Muhammad ) while he was still alive . Now , what I say next may come as a shock to many . But here goes : The actual Quran itself does not mention even a single one of the prohibitions which is typically associated with Islam . The Quran makes no mention of men being forced to grow beards . It makes no mention of making women cover their hair or wear those disgusting black veil things . It imposes no prohibition whatsoever on art , liquor or music . There is not a single mention of the word “ Jihad “ being used in a war type context . The word “ Jihad “ directly translates from Arabic to English as “ struggle ‘ . As a matter of fact , there is a prayer in the Quran called “ Baqarah “ which says “ And Let there be no compulsion in religion . For Allah sees and hears all things . “ . In other words , the Quran itself does no condone forcibly converting people from other faiths . There is also no reference to stoning women to death or killing people for apostasy . The Quran does prohibit the consumption of pork , but nowhere does it mention that Muslims must stop other people from consuming pork . As a matter of fact , I regularly cook and serve countless pork dishes for my non Muslim friends throughout the year . I also frequently gift them fresh pork from all the wild boars that I hunt . If followed by itself ( and only itself ) , I doubt that any followers of the Quran would be harming non Muslims , anytime soon . As a matter of fact ; Jesus Christ , Abraham , Noah and Moses are all considered to be prophets by the Quran ( Muhammad is simply mentioned as being the final prophet ) .

The Christian Bible is an extremely peace loving religious text , as well . The Bible teaches us “ And be kind to all strangers , for you yourselves were strangers in Egypt “ .

The problem with Islam , is the Hadith . What the Hadith is , is a series of books written at least 193 years after the Muslim prophet and everyone in his generation died . These books were written by a 16 year old goat shepherd named Al Bukhari . These books make mentions of all sorts of barbaric practices ( such as forcing women to cover their hair , stoning women to death , killing people for committing apostasy , forcing men to grow beards , prohibiting art , prohibiting music , prohibiting the wearing of silk and gold and ordering the forced conversion of all non Muslims ) .

Many people will observe that the Muslims living in south east Asia are typically far less radical and conservative than the Muslims living in the Middle East . There is a reason for this . Islam originated in the Middle East in about AD 595 . Thousands of Muslims began to migrate towards south east Asia from the Middle East during this time . About 193 years after the Muslim prophet died , Al Bukhari began to spread his perverse Hadith books all around the Middle East . He called his “ amended “ version of Islam “ Shariah “ . As a result , the Muslims living in the Middle East began to treat both the teach of the Quran and the teaching of the Hadith books as binding . The results were pretty predictable . But the Muslims living in South East Asia did / do not treat the Hadith as a religiously accurate book . We follow only the Quran and want a secular government .

The problem is that the Muslims who believe in the Hadith , want to spread their pervasive beliefs all across the world . And they are willing to shoot , stab , hack and blow up innocent people to accomplish this . Now , let me give you an example of what happened in my country .

I was born in East Pakistan in 1954 and the Muslims of East Pakistan were only followers of the Quran . Unfortunately , our country was controlled by West Pakistan ( where all of the Muslims were Hadith followers ) . We love(d) music , painting , women with open hair and bright dresses . We loved celebrating Eid as well as Christmas . Our men hate beards and we love Western clothes ( for both men and women ) . The West Pakistani government wanted to implement Shariah law in our land and take all of our freedom away , by following a pervasive interpretation of our faith . When we refused to bend to their will , they conducted a nationwide genocide on March 25 , 1971 called “ Operation Searchlight “ . Our college boys and university students were shot to death in their dorm rooms . Children were stomped on and stabbed to death with pig sticker bayonets . Our women were taken to barracks and raped before being impaled ( live ) on sharpened bamboo stakes . We lost 3000,000 innocent people that night . My parents were killed by the West Pakistani military airstrike at Golkhali on June 3 , 1971 . I watched them die and I was powerless to do nothing about it .

I was only 17 years old at the time and was conscripted into the Bengal Lancers as an HMG ( heavy machine gun ) operator . We fought a violent nine month long war and drove the Hadith followers out of our land . East Pakistan became Bangladesh and we became a secular nation . One where people of all regions were treated equally . Our government abolished the teaching of the Hadith in any schools across all of the country .

If you really want to get rid of Islamic terrorism , then you need to get to the root of the problem . You have to eradicate every single Muslim man , woman and child ( who is too old to be re-educated ) who follows the “ Hadith “ . Kill all of them . Eradicate the ideology altogether . What I say is not the most politically correct solution , but it is the only solution.
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Being a Muslim myself and someone who specifically fought in a war to drive other Muslims out of his country and prevent Sharia Law from getting introduced to my country , I believe that maybe I can provide my own input on this matter .

Islam ( like Christianity , Hinduism , Judaism or Buddhism ) has multiple sects . There are two main religious texts in Islam :
A ) The Quran
B ) The Hadith

The Quran is the book which was authored by the Muslim prophet ( Muhammad ) while he was still alive . Now , what I say next may come as a shock to many . But here goes : The actual Quran itself does not mention even a single one of the prohibitions which is typically associated with Islam . The Quran makes no mention of men being forced to grow beards . It makes no mention of making women cover their hair or wear those disgusting black veil things . It imposes no prohibition whatsoever on art , liquor or music . There is not a single mention of the word “ Jihad “ being used in a war type context . The word “ Jihad “ directly translates from Arabic to English as “ struggle ‘ . As a matter of fact , there is a prayer in the Quran called “ Baqarah “ which says “ And Let there be no compulsion in religion . For Allah sees and hears all things . “ . In other words , the Quran itself does no condone forcibly converting people from other faiths . There is also no reference to stoning women to death or killing people for apostasy . The Quran does prohibit the consumption of pork , but nowhere does it mention that Muslims must stop other people from consuming pork . As a matter of fact , I regularly cook and serve countless pork dishes for my non Muslim friends throughout the year . I also frequently gift them fresh pork from all the wild boars that I hunt . If followed by itself ( and only itself ) , I doubt that any followers of the Quran would be harming non Muslims , anytime soon . As a matter of fact ; Jesus Christ , Abraham , Noah and Moses are all considered to be prophets by the Quran ( Muhammad is simply mentioned as being the final prophet ) .

The Christian Bible is an extremely peace loving religious text , as well . The Bible teaches us “ And be kind to all strangers , for you yourselves were strangers in Egypt “ .

The problem with Islam , is the Hadith . What the Hadith is , is a series of books written at least 193 years after the Muslim prophet and everyone in his generation died . These books were written by a 16 year old goat shepherd named Al Bukhari . These books make mentions of all sorts of barbaric practices ( such as forcing women to cover their hair , stoning women to death , killing people for committing apostasy , forcing men to grow beards , prohibiting art , prohibiting music , prohibiting the wearing of silk and gold and ordering the forced conversion of all non Muslims ) .

Many people will observe that the Muslims living in south east Asia are typically far less radical and conservative than the Muslims living in the Middle East . There is a reason for this . Islam originated in the Middle East in about AD 595 . Thousands of Muslims began to migrate towards south east Asia from the Middle East during this time . About 193 years after the Muslim prophet died , Al Bukhari began to spread his perverse Hadith books all around the Middle East . He called his “ amended “ version of Islam “ Shariah “ . As a result , the Muslims living in the Middle East began to treat both the teach of the Quran and the teaching of the Hadith books as binding . The results were pretty predictable . But the Muslims living in South East Asia did / do not treat the Hadith as a religiously accurate book . We follow only the Quran and want a secular government .

The problem is that the Muslims who believe in the Hadith , want to spread their pervasive beliefs all across the world . And they are willing to shoot , stab , hack and blow up innocent people to accomplish this . Now , let me give you an example of what happened in my country .

I was born in East Pakistan in 1954 and the Muslims of East Pakistan were only followers of the Quran . Unfortunately , our country was controlled by West Pakistan ( where all of the Muslims were Hadith followers ) . We love(d) music , painting , women with open hair and bright dresses . We loved celebrating Eid as well as Christmas . Our men hate beards and we love Western clothes ( for both men and women ) . The West Pakistani government wanted to implement Shariah law in our land and take all of our freedom away , by following a pervasive interpretation of our faith . When we refused to bend to their will , they conducted a nationwide genocide on March 25 , 1971 called “ Operation Searchlight “ . Our college boys and university students were shot to death in their dorm rooms . Children were stomped on and stabbed to death with pig sticker bayonets . Our women were taken to barracks and raped before being impaled ( live ) on sharpened bamboo stakes . We lost 3000,000 innocent people that night . My parents were killed by the West Pakistani military airstrike at Golkhali on June 3 , 1971 . I watched them die and I was powerless to do nothing about it .

I was only 17 years old at the time and was conscripted into the Bengal Lancers as an HMG ( heavy machine gun ) operator . We fought a violent nine month long war and drove the Hadith followers out of our land . East Pakistan became Bangladesh and we became a secular nation . One where people of all regions were treated equally . Our government abolished the teaching of the Hadith in any schools across all of the country .

If you really want to get rid of Islamic terrorism , then you need to get to the root of the problem . You have to eradicate every single Muslim man , woman and child ( who is too old to be re-educated ) who follows the “ Hadith “ . Kill all of them . Eradicate the ideology altogether . What I say is not the most politically correct solution , but it is the only solution.

Very informative professor, I had never heard of the Hadith. Thank you.
sorry but could you explain the meaning of your statement?
Why are you saying that with Portugal the situation got out of hand?
in my opinion you are totally wrong and I am sure you dont even really know what you are saying!

Deutsch Ost Afrika existed from the late 1880's. After Germany lost WWI, the territory was divided up in the Treaty of Versailles. Rwanda and Burundi went to the Belgians. The League of Nations took over what is now Tanzania less the Zanzabar archipelago, with Great Britain administering. After the League of Nations fell apart, Tanganyika became a UN protectorate, administered by Great Britain until independence in 1961.

The small part of Deutsch Ost Afrika that was south of the Ruvuma River went to the Portuguese in the Treaty of Versailles. Portugal administered the area until 1975 when Mozambique gained independence. The reports I read last year when the Muslim extremism started, dealt with area that used to be part of Deutsch Ost Afrika. Thus my statement that if this area was Tanzania, the problems we see today wouldn't have started there. Not to say the problems wouldn't have started 50 miles further south and that Mozambique wouldn't still be dealing with a problem.

Why are you saying that with Portugal the situation got out of hand?

Please reread my statement. I never said things got out of hand with Portugal.

....... I am sure you dont even really know what you are saying!

I am more than happy to discuss Deutsch Ost Afrika / Tanganyika / Tanzania history with anybody in a civilized way. As a schoolboy, I actually paid attention in class. ;)

in my opinion you are totally wrong

Please clarify where I am wrong in what I have stated.
Being a Muslim myself and someone who specifically fought in a war to drive other Muslims out of his country and prevent Sharia Law from getting introduced to my country , I believe that maybe I can provide my own input on this matter .

Islam ( like Christianity , Hinduism , Judaism or Buddhism ) has multiple sects . There are two main religious texts in Islam :
A ) The Quran
B ) The Hadith

The Quran is the book which was authored by the Muslim prophet ( Muhammad ) while he was still alive . Now , what I say next may come as a shock to many . But here goes : The actual Quran itself does not mention even a single one of the prohibitions which is typically associated with Islam . The Quran makes no mention of men being forced to grow beards . It makes no mention of making women cover their hair or wear those disgusting black veil things . It imposes no prohibition whatsoever on art , liquor or music . There is not a single mention of the word “ Jihad “ being used in a war type context . The word “ Jihad “ directly translates from Arabic to English as “ struggle ‘ . As a matter of fact , there is a prayer in the Quran called “ Baqarah “ which says “ And Let there be no compulsion in religion . For Allah sees and hears all things . “ . In other words , the Quran itself does no condone forcibly converting people from other faiths . There is also no reference to stoning women to death or killing people for apostasy . The Quran does prohibit the consumption of pork , but nowhere does it mention that Muslims must stop other people from consuming pork . As a matter of fact , I regularly cook and serve countless pork dishes for my non Muslim friends throughout the year . I also frequently gift them fresh pork from all the wild boars that I hunt . If followed by itself ( and only itself ) , I doubt that any followers of the Quran would be harming non Muslims , anytime soon . As a matter of fact ; Jesus Christ , Abraham , Noah and Moses are all considered to be prophets by the Quran ( Muhammad is simply mentioned as being the final prophet ) .

The Christian Bible is an extremely peace loving religious text , as well . The Bible teaches us “ And be kind to all strangers , for you yourselves were strangers in Egypt “ .

The problem with Islam , is the Hadith . What the Hadith is , is a series of books written at least 193 years after the Muslim prophet and everyone in his generation died . These books were written by a 16 year old goat shepherd named Al Bukhari . These books make mentions of all sorts of barbaric practices ( such as forcing women to cover their hair , stoning women to death , killing people for committing apostasy , forcing men to grow beards , prohibiting art , prohibiting music , prohibiting the wearing of silk and gold and ordering the forced conversion of all non Muslims ) .

Many people will observe that the Muslims living in south east Asia are typically far less radical and conservative than the Muslims living in the Middle East . There is a reason for this . Islam originated in the Middle East in about AD 595 . Thousands of Muslims began to migrate towards south east Asia from the Middle East during this time . About 193 years after the Muslim prophet died , Al Bukhari began to spread his perverse Hadith books all around the Middle East . He called his “ amended “ version of Islam “ Shariah “ . As a result , the Muslims living in the Middle East began to treat both the teach of the Quran and the teaching of the Hadith books as binding . The results were pretty predictable . But the Muslims living in South East Asia did / do not treat the Hadith as a religiously accurate book . We follow only the Quran and want a secular government .

The problem is that the Muslims who believe in the Hadith , want to spread their pervasive beliefs all across the world . And they are willing to shoot , stab , hack and blow up innocent people to accomplish this . Now , let me give you an example of what happened in my country .

I was born in East Pakistan in 1954 and the Muslims of East Pakistan were only followers of the Quran . Unfortunately , our country was controlled by West Pakistan ( where all of the Muslims were Hadith followers ) . We love(d) music , painting , women with open hair and bright dresses . We loved celebrating Eid as well as Christmas . Our men hate beards and we love Western clothes ( for both men and women ) . The West Pakistani government wanted to implement Shariah law in our land and take all of our freedom away , by following a pervasive interpretation of our faith . When we refused to bend to their will , they conducted a nationwide genocide on March 25 , 1971 called “ Operation Searchlight “ . Our college boys and university students were shot to death in their dorm rooms . Children were stomped on and stabbed to death with pig sticker bayonets . Our women were taken to barracks and raped before being impaled ( live ) on sharpened bamboo stakes . We lost 3000,000 innocent people that night . My parents were killed by the West Pakistani military airstrike at Golkhali on June 3 , 1971 . I watched them die and I was powerless to do nothing about it .

I was only 17 years old at the time and was conscripted into the Bengal Lancers as an HMG ( heavy machine gun ) operator . We fought a violent nine month long war and drove the Hadith followers out of our land . East Pakistan became Bangladesh and we became a secular nation . One where people of all regions were treated equally . Our government abolished the teaching of the Hadith in any schools across all of the country .

If you really want to get rid of Islamic terrorism , then you need to get to the root of the problem . You have to eradicate every single Muslim man , woman and child ( who is too old to be re-educated ) who follows the “ Hadith “ . Kill all of them . Eradicate the ideology altogether . What I say is not the most politically correct solution , but it is the only solution.

Very good information and very well written.

I knew some of the history of Bangladesh but just learned much more. Thank you for teaching me something new today. (y)

Sorry about the death of your family in the war.
Deutsch Ost Afrika existed from the late 1880's. After Germany lost WWI, the territory was divided up in the Treaty of Versailles. Rwanda and Burundi went to the Belgians. The League of Nations took over what is now Tanzania less the Zanzabar archipelago, with Great Britain administering. After the League of Nations fell apart, Tanganyika became a UN protectorate, administered by Great Britain until independence in 1961.

The small part of Deutsch Ost Afrika that was south of the Ruvuma River went to the Portuguese in the Treaty of Versailles. Portugal administered the area until 1975 when Mozambique gained independence. The reports I read last year when the Muslim extremism started, dealt with area that used to be part of Deutsch Ost Afrika. Thus my statement that if this area was Tanzania, the problems we see today wouldn't have started there. Not to say the problems wouldn't have started 50 miles further south and that Mozambique wouldn't still be dealing with a problem.

Please reread my statement. I never said things got out of hand with Portugal.

I am more than happy to discuss Deutsch Ost Afrika / Tanganyika / Tanzania history with anybody in a civilized way. As a schoolboy, I actually paid attention in class. ;)

Please clarify where I am wrong in what I have stated.

Indi, you may have bitten off more than you can chew here.
Being a Muslim myself and someone who specifically fought in a war to drive other Muslims out of his country and prevent Sharia Law from getting introduced to my country , I believe that maybe I can provide my own input on this matter .

Islam ( like Christianity , Hinduism , Judaism or Buddhism ) has multiple sects . There are two main religious texts in Islam :
A ) The Quran
B ) The Hadith

The Quran is the book which was authored by the Muslim prophet ( Muhammad ) while he was still alive . Now , what I say next may come as a shock to many . But here goes : The actual Quran itself does not mention even a single one of the prohibitions which is typically associated with Islam . The Quran makes no mention of men being forced to grow beards . It makes no mention of making women cover their hair or wear those disgusting black veil things . It imposes no prohibition whatsoever on art , liquor or music . There is not a single mention of the word “ Jihad “ being used in a war type context . The word “ Jihad “ directly translates from Arabic to English as “ struggle ‘ . As a matter of fact , there is a prayer in the Quran called “ Baqarah “ which says “ And Let there be no compulsion in religion . For Allah sees and hears all things . “ . In other words , the Quran itself does no condone forcibly converting people from other faiths . There is also no reference to stoning women to death or killing people for apostasy . The Quran does prohibit the consumption of pork , but nowhere does it mention that Muslims must stop other people from consuming pork . As a matter of fact , I regularly cook and serve countless pork dishes for my non Muslim friends throughout the year . I also frequently gift them fresh pork from all the wild boars that I hunt . If followed by itself ( and only itself ) , I doubt that any followers of the Quran would be harming non Muslims , anytime soon . As a matter of fact ; Jesus Christ , Abraham , Noah and Moses are all considered to be prophets by the Quran ( Muhammad is simply mentioned as being the final prophet ) .

The Christian Bible is an extremely peace loving religious text , as well . The Bible teaches us “ And be kind to all strangers , for you yourselves were strangers in Egypt “ .

The problem with Islam , is the Hadith . What the Hadith is , is a series of books written at least 193 years after the Muslim prophet and everyone in his generation died . These books were written by a 16 year old goat shepherd named Al Bukhari . These books make mentions of all sorts of barbaric practices ( such as forcing women to cover their hair , stoning women to death , killing people for committing apostasy , forcing men to grow beards , prohibiting art , prohibiting music , prohibiting the wearing of silk and gold and ordering the forced conversion of all non Muslims ) .

Many people will observe that the Muslims living in south east Asia are typically far less radical and conservative than the Muslims living in the Middle East . There is a reason for this . Islam originated in the Middle East in about AD 595 . Thousands of Muslims began to migrate towards south east Asia from the Middle East during this time . About 193 years after the Muslim prophet died , Al Bukhari began to spread his perverse Hadith books all around the Middle East . He called his “ amended “ version of Islam “ Shariah “ . As a result , the Muslims living in the Middle East began to treat both the teach of the Quran and the teaching of the Hadith books as binding . The results were pretty predictable . But the Muslims living in South East Asia did / do not treat the Hadith as a religiously accurate book . We follow only the Quran and want a secular government .

The problem is that the Muslims who believe in the Hadith , want to spread their pervasive beliefs all across the world . And they are willing to shoot , stab , hack and blow up innocent people to accomplish this . Now , let me give you an example of what happened in my country .

I was born in East Pakistan in 1954 and the Muslims of East Pakistan were only followers of the Quran . Unfortunately , our country was controlled by West Pakistan ( where all of the Muslims were Hadith followers ) . We love(d) music , painting , women with open hair and bright dresses . We loved celebrating Eid as well as Christmas . Our men hate beards and we love Western clothes ( for both men and women ) . The West Pakistani government wanted to implement Shariah law in our land and take all of our freedom away , by following a pervasive interpretation of our faith . When we refused to bend to their will , they conducted a nationwide genocide on March 25 , 1971 called “ Operation Searchlight “ . Our college boys and university students were shot to death in their dorm rooms . Children were stomped on and stabbed to death with pig sticker bayonets . Our women were taken to barracks and raped before being impaled ( live ) on sharpened bamboo stakes . We lost 3000,000 innocent people that night . My parents were killed by the West Pakistani military airstrike at Golkhali on June 3 , 1971 . I watched them die and I was powerless to do nothing about it .

I was only 17 years old at the time and was conscripted into the Bengal Lancers as an HMG ( heavy machine gun ) operator . We fought a violent nine month long war and drove the Hadith followers out of our land . East Pakistan became Bangladesh and we became a secular nation . One where people of all regions were treated equally . Our government abolished the teaching of the Hadith in any schools across all of the country .

If you really want to get rid of Islamic terrorism , then you need to get to the root of the problem . You have to eradicate every single Muslim man , woman and child ( who is too old to be re-educated ) who follows the “ Hadith “ . Kill all of them . Eradicate the ideology altogether . What I say is not the most politically correct solution , but it is the only solution.
I am sorry for your loss. What a horror.

Its scary to think that when you and your brethren took up arms the US was backing Pakistan, and it was the USSR that vetoed the security council resolutions at the UN against India's involvement! How tragically different things could have been! I like to believe our governments are now better informed. But, if they are, one would never know it.
I am sorry for your loss. What a horror.

Its scary to think that when you and your brethren took up arms the US was backing Pakistan, and it was the USSR that vetoed the security council resolutions at the UN against India's involvement! How tragically different things could have been! I like to believe our governments are now better informed. But, if they are, one would never know it.
It is quite alright . Bengalis hold no grudges against Americans . Americans thought that if we won the war , then communism would spread through Bangladesh . While nothing could be further from the truth ( we all have seen how communism destroys even the best of societies ) , it is completely understandable why Americans would come to this conclusion . Sheikh Mujib ( the acting leader of East Pakistan and later Bangladesh) was good friends with Fidel Castro ( the Communist leader of Cuba ) . And they would frequently appear in public photographs together . Only Bengalis would know that ( while he had a great deal of respect for Fidel Castro as a personal friend ) Sheikh Mujib actually loathed and publicly spoke against communism all his life .

We are actually quite grateful towards Americans for not deploying troops against Bangladesh . We managed to sort out the West Pakistani military. But to put things bluntly , we ( the freedom fighters ) would not last even half as long against American troops ; should President Richard Nixon have actually given the order to deploy American forces in Bangladesh. I feel no shame in admitting this . If we had to face American troops alongside the West Pakistani military , then we would have all been massacred within a few weeks . So we are grateful that President Nixon’s cabinet came to their senses in time and realized the consequences of what they were about to do.

But yes , it is quite disturbing to think about what the world might have been like today ; had the United States chosen to aid West Pakistan in successfully defeating the Bengalis . Today , Islamic extremism would have established a stronghold in South East Asia as well . The United States made a similar mistake with Afghanistan , too . In a ( genuinely well meaning ) attempt to drive the Soviet communists out of Afghanistan , the United States armed and trained the Mujahideen rebels . After the Soviets were gone , those very Mujahideen rebels became the Taliban . We can see the consequences today . I had actually visited Afghanistan as a young boy , with my parents . It used to be a beautiful country before the decade of the 1970s had begun . No communism . No Islamic fundamentalism . The Afghan monarchy used to run things back then .
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Insightful input Prof.
Maybe you could clear up something... how was Bangladesh part of Pakistan if it is separated by India? Just trying to under stand the geography or the geopolitical workings when you say West/ East Pakistan and how Bangladesh arose on the other side of India...?
Probably not good for the northern and eastern parts of the Niassa.

To bad the area was given to the Portuguese in the Treaty of Versailles. Tanzania would never have let the situation get out of hand.
Tanzania has a population of 30% muslims..........................
Regular attacks on christian churches does not bother anyone there.
After Omdurman, the English had 20 years of reasonably quiet.
After Africa has gained independence, they muslims are the winners, and will remain so until the Green Flag is hoisted in every country.
People come and go.
Islam is a violent religion that does not tolerate others.
It is by far not the IS who leads this development
When I am having a conversation with do-gooders here, I can hear how peaceful this religion is.
I can't hold back a smile and after my answer they don't know what to say:
Millions of Muslims in this world are on the run from Muslims who want to kill them.
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Insightful input Prof.
Maybe you could clear up something... how was Bangladesh part of Pakistan if it is separated by India? Just trying to under stand the geography or the geopolitical workings when you say West/ East Pakistan and how Bangladesh arose on the other side of India...?
Perhaps the first 20 lines of this page may clear things up for you .
Deutsch Ost Afrika existed from the late 1880's. After Germany lost WWI, the territory was divided up in the Treaty of Versailles. Rwanda and Burundi went to the Belgians. The League of Nations took over what is now Tanzania less the Zanzabar archipelago, with Great Britain administering. After the League of Nations fell apart, Tanganyika became a UN protectorate, administered by Great Britain until independence in 1961.

The small part of Deutsch Ost Afrika that was south of the Ruvuma River went to the Portuguese in the Treaty of Versailles. Portugal administered the area until 1975 when Mozambique gained independence. The reports I read last year when the Muslim extremism started, dealt with area that used to be part of Deutsch Ost Afrika. Thus my statement that if this area was Tanzania, the problems we see today wouldn't have started there. Not to say the problems wouldn't have started 50 miles further south and that Mozambique wouldn't still be dealing with a problem.

Please reread my statement. I never said things got out of hand with Portugal.

I am more than happy to discuss Deutsch Ost Afrika / Tanganyika / Tanzania history with anybody in a civilized way. As a schoolboy, I actually paid attention in class. ;)

Dear Wheels
Thanks for your reply.
Obviously you were a good schoolboy and you know history which is great.
I was not asking you for a history lesson because I know the history of my country, thank you , and I can assure you that we can discuss it whenever you want and always in a very civilized way ,do not worry.
Maybe it was my poor english understanding for which I apologize, but I understood that
by saying “ To bad the area was given to the Portuguese in the Treaty of Versailles. Tanzania would never have let the situation get out of hand. “ that you were meaning that the Portuguese has its own fault on what is happening now in that part of the world.
I still do not understand the meaning of your statement but if you mean that in Tanzania these things do not happen I would tell you that most of armed bandits are obviously coming through Tanzania and that a lot of them that has been shot are Tanzanian nationals among other nationalities.
But again I would like to understand why with Tanzania things would not go out of hand ?
Thanks and all the best

Please clarify where I am wrong in what I have stated.

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CamoManJ wrote on dchum's profile.
Hello there. I’ve been wanting to introduce myself personally & chat with you about hunting Nilgai. Give me a call sometime…


Jason Coryell
VonJager wrote on Mauser3000's profile.
+1 Great to deal with. I purchased custom rifle. No issues.
ghay wrote on Buckums's profile.
I saw you were looking for some Swift A-Frames for your 9.3. I just bought a bulk supply of them in the 285g. version. If Toby's are gone, I could let 100 go for $200 shipped you are interested.
Ferhipo wrote on Bowhuntr64's profile.
I am really fan of you
Bighorn191 wrote on Mtn_Infantry's profile.
Booked with Harold Grinde - Gana River - they sure kill some good ones - who'd you get set up with?