Jeffrey Lendrum of African Hunting Gazette convicted wildlife smuggler

Do you not read what I have said above. Call me as it will take about 3 hours to explain. The anti terrorist police that caught me and the assist forfeighting unit had everything of mine. And short of putting on rubber gloves and going through 20 years of statements found nothing. Would you like the investigating officers number? I take it you are perfect and have never done wrong.

Wrong...mistakes? Plenty

Profiting $Millions from the destruction of wildlife.....NO. I have not done that
In a lot of ways you are right ses....two wrongs don't make a right. It's hard to find guilt with a brother helping a brother. said:
Valid point

I still wouldn't give that magazine a dime... said:
Dream up what you want because I don't argue with ignorance.

Well, what am I "ignorant" about?

Where the charges against you false?

I have been asking you to enlighten us all as to the valid reason you had for your activities and how you were wronged by the courts in 3 countries...
Do you mean "Were the charges against me false"? If so no, I pleaded guilty if you have read the above.
And I have already told you it will take hours to explain and given you carte blanche permission to call.
Do you mean "Were the charges against me false"? If so no, I pleaded guilty if you have read the above.
And I have already told you it will take hours to explain and given you carte blanche permission to call.

I am half tempted to do that some evening if for no reason other than to enjoy 3 hours of free comedy while you try to justify getting rich by raping an endangered species...
Please, it will be a pleasure. Send me your number if you would rather I call you so that I foot the bill. Best regards, Jeff
In a lot of ways you are right ses....two wrongs don't make a right. It's hard to find guilt with a brother helping a brother.

Well that was my point after all. Unless there is evidence of collusion here, we should not make accusations and threats etc. Its pointless. If however it makes someone feel better to stop buying a magazine, they have every right to do so, right or wrong.
Please, it will be a pleasure. Send me your number if you would rather I call you so that I foot the bill. Best regards, Jeff


I'm reminded of the saying, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me!" There is no part about fooling me a third time. You've done your time and paid for your lawbreaking. You certainly have in my mind the right to move on with your life. But unfortunately just because you've spent your time in jail does not make you a trustworthy character.

Furthermore the hunting brethren is very put off immediately by one who would be described as a poacher being allowed to even associate with the law abiding hunters. It's a bit like inviting the devil into your home and expecting not to get burned. I'm sorry but for all the anti-hunters out there who frequent websites like this, I want them to know strongly how much I oppose poaching while equally support regulated legal hunting.

So far in this thread you have on several occasions invited others to Skype and/or call you to explain your side of this sad story. You've been called out publicly, I'd suggest you defend yourself in the same manner. Failure to do so only suggests to me that you've still got something to hide.
Also, do the people on this forum realize that most of the Rhodesian SAS during the war with the rebels was engaged in wholesale poaching and profiteering from wildlife under the cover of the war


I care little for the outcome of this public spat but, I respectfully request that you would refrain from using this particular line of attack in your offensive.

Thank you,

This is good knowledge for the simply fact that we know a person who is out to profit on wildlife so that we can avoid him in future dealings. Who knows what he may or may not try to sell but at least more people have a warning before possibly doing business with him in the future.

I am not disturbed by this. I see this all the time in different forms. I see it in the us, mexico, Canada, Zambia, Botswana, South Africa, Argentina, Zimbabwe, etc....

The facts are people are out to make a living and its getting harder and harder. I don't know the stance of some people on here but I am a Christian. It appears to me people are moving further and further away from the bible and with it their moral compass' are swaying in the same direction. Without having something that gives you motivation to be a morally upstanding person one simply lives for "themselves".

I don't have any ill will towards the man. I have wronged more than enough people in my life in different ways and Im sure I will inadvertently do so again in the future. For me to judge myself as a better man than this convicted person is nothing short of a travesty. I view myself as below everyone else and I will always do so. I will treat people like this man with respect but hold them at arms length and never trust them. Heck I trust almost no one but it doesn't mean I won't try to help them.

I know you guys don't like his actions but you still need to treat people like this with respect and draw that fine line between treating someone like a human and actually trusting them with your personal affairs. He is a human in the end and ALL humans deserve some sort of respect regardless of their actions. And that includes Obama even though I have the highest amount of disdain for that man who I believe is trying to destroy the country I love so much.
I am not interested in making false allegations or name calling. I hope I stay on topic, although sometimes I get lost to.

Jeff, you are the unfortunate easily identifiable target for the frustration many hunters obviously feel about the failure of the legal system to act in our interests to adequately protect wildlife.

What I cannot understand is why this is all of a sudden big news when this happened in 2010?

You have a criminal record involving serious wildlife offences.
You are in a position of trust in the same industry NOW.
If you were working as a plumber I doubt that there would be any news, never mind "big news".

I would agree with the following sentiment and I would add magazine to the list.

"What hunters need more than anything is peace of mind - knowing that what they're being offered on a website or in a brochure is in fact, true!"
African Hunting Gazette Vol 18, 2 pg. 120

Motivated by greed, poverty and mysticism, organized crime is attacking wildlife around the world. Surely, poaching is one of the major contributors to undermining wildlife conservation and management.

Perhaps the convictions in 2002 in Canada and 1984 in Zimbabwe are false allegations. Are they false allegations? You said you pled guilty. If so, this was not one small mistake.
You did not shoot one Springbok to save your family from starving.
You apparently participated in organized crime to repeatedly undermine the "foundation stones" of conservation.
That does not lead to people trusting your judgement.

The great part about a forum is that people can clarify distortions through reasonable discourse.

You have the right to reply or not, as you see fit.
Nothing personel, but you are painting with a very wide brush when you make these comments. Comments like this are disparaging to all who fought in the Rhodesian Security Forces.
Also, do the people on this forum realize that most of the Rhodesian SAS during the war with the rebels was engaged in wholesale poaching and profiteering from wildlife under the cover of the war?

Perhaps our fellow criminal has been profiting by the rape of nature well before his first conviction going all the way back to when he was in the R SAS.
This debate has now spilled over onto Facebook. African Hunting Gazette is directing posting to Jerome, in case anyone wants to follow it there also.


Nothing personel, but you are painting with a very wide brush when you make these comments. Comments like this are disparaging to all who fought in the Rhodesian Security Forces.

Good point. Not everyone in the R SAS was profiteering from the wildlife during the war.

But given Jeffery's actions that we know of it is a good bet he was one of the ones that was.

My apologies to anybody that were a member of the Rhodesian Security Forces and wasn't profiting from the destruction of wildlife under the cover of war.
I am not interested in making false allegations or name calling. I hope I stay on topic, although sometimes I get lost to.

Jeff, you are the unfortunate easily identifiable target for the frustration many hunters obviously feel about the failure of the legal system to act in our interests to adequately protect wildlife.

You have a criminal record involving serious wildlife offences.
You are in a position of trust in the same industry NOW.
If you were working as a plumber I doubt that there would be any news, never mind "big news".

I would agree with the following sentiment and I would add magazine to the list.

"What hunters need more than anything is peace of mind - knowing that what they're being offered on a website or in a brochure is in fact, true!"
African Hunting Gazette Vol 18, 2 pg. 120

Motivated by greed, poverty and mysticism, organized crime is attacking wildlife around the world. Surely, poaching is one of the major contributors to undermining wildlife conservation and management.

Perhaps the convictions in 2002 in Canada and 1984 in Zimbabwe are false allegations. Are they false allegations? You said you pled guilty. If so, this was not one small mistake.
You did not shoot one Springbok to save your family from starving.
You apparently participated in organized crime to repeatedly undermine the "foundation stones" of conservation.
That does not lead to people trusting your judgement.

The great part about a forum is that people can clarify distortions through reasonable discourse.

You have the right to reply or not, as you see fit.

Well put.

I let my rage get the best of me. I have ask that Jeff post here his views to convince us that this was anything but greed gone wild on his part. But he refuses to...and no wonder.

Really, what can he say to justify his actions?

Anyway, you stated it well. Repeated violation of game laws including endangered species just so a guy can get rich the easy way is not just "I made a mistake". He is DOCUMENTED breaking wildlife laws since 1984 for God's Sake and we can assume that he didn't get caught on his first "mistake" and we can assume he committed dozens of paid "mistakes" between 1984 and when somebody finally give him a slap on the wrist.

And now we are supposed to assume that we can trust his "review" of hunting operations? I suspect that any shady PH can slip him cash and get a great review. I wonder what a great review from Jeffery cost these days?
as a subscriber to A.H.G. I condem the brother,3 strikes and your out!!!!!!but I can not fault the mag or the employees of that mag.i did a 10 year subscription 7 years ago and have never been sorry.jeffery is Jeffery and Richard is can pick your friends but not your relatives.
as a subscriber to A.H.G. I condem the brother,3 strikes and your out!!!!!!but I can not fault the mag or the employees of that mag.i did a 10 year subscription 7 years ago and have never been sorry.jeffery is Jeffery and Richard is can pick your friends but not your relatives.

Right, but how much do you think a great review from Jeffery cost?

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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?