There ARE talented taxidermists out there equal to the one in focus in this thread. Just have to know what you are looking at/for and be willing to do some serious searching with a large investment of time. Unfortunately, the business is absolutely loaded with shady characters with little talent and it seems to have always been that way- at least it's been that way in my experience since the '60s. Even now I look at some of the mounts from that era including many done by a very well known and world famous company and cringe!! The current bar is set pretty high for quality. Also, not mentioned enough in these threads is of equal importance to the individual taxidermist. It is the prep, transport and storage from the field to your taxidermist's hands- a process that can span well over a year. And which may be mostly if not entirely out of your control.
My lifelong taxidermist passed away a few years ago and I have not found an equal but haven't worried too much as I've only had one hide-on mount done since then and it turned out OK. (attached pics) All the rest have been saved in photos, left behind or are simple skull mounts
which I can do myself if desired.
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