Just ran across this thread:
Is there a PERFECT deer rifle? Is there a PERFECT rifle or caliber for hunting Alaska?
Is there a PERFECT rifle or caliber for deer in Texas? What if I cross the border into Mexico? Does the rifle/caliber perfect-ness lose something?
There is LOTS of PERFECTION, rather a 7mm or a 270, a 308 or a 300 mag (of various varieties). Choose what works FOR YOU, take the PH advice on caliber, etc,
From my limited hunting, any 270/7mm/308 caliber for plains game and a 375 or 416 and you're hunting the WORLD, add a 12 gauge, a 22 LR and a 223/22-250 then there's no NEED to buy other rifles.
the search for the PERFECT rifle/caliber/cartridge/scope, etc is marketing, the businesses getting us to by tools and toys instead of tickets and services (outfitters, Professional Hunters, taxidermy, etc...)