Is South Africa still safe to hunt?

May 3, 2016
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New Mexico
Hunting reports
First off let me apologies if this is in the wrong thread!

I'm reading a lot of news coming out of South Africa nowadays and my simple question is, for your average Joe hunter, is South Africa still politically safe to hunt in? Ive seen several articles about people going out to farms and shooting up the place ( and it seems like there is an intensifying "us v.s. them" mentality in some of the areas. I just wanted opinions on the safety of the trip. I desperately want to go, I've made my plans for next year and I've already put down my deposit, I just wanted some reassurance or warning I guess. Again, sorry if this was in the wrong forum, I just thought that since it did have to do with hunting in Africa it might belong here.

Thank you!
You will be fine! In most cases your outfitter picks you up at OR Tambo and you are then in their care throughout your trip! Otherwise the use of a guest house is wise. There will always be people at large airports trying to get you to let them help you! Like Atlanta......just keep walking.
I have never really had any issue in that wonderful county. That being said
Like any country there are places you do not go!
Kansas City Trust street at 1 am comes to mind! Laney Walker Blvd in Augusta GA anytime of the day!
The Sowehetto (spelling) area of Johanesburg is not a place you should go to even with your outfitter.

So relax and enjoy your trip!
No problems, I just got back from my second hunt in SA. You will be fine
the only danger you will really be faced with is yourself and questioning if you want that extra animal and then the ever growing danger as is seen by many people on the forum, is making that second/third/fourth trip

Get comfortable with the outfitter you decide to pick, for the most part they are all top class people who go out of their way to make you a part of the family
Charlie , forgive me for correcting you , it is spelt Soweto .

and it is actually not bad , there are some areas to avoid however there are also great places and some that you should visit if you have the time .

Vilakazi street comes to mind , this is the street were both Mandela and Tutu owned houses , as well as other places worth visiting.
I just returned yesterday from my first hunt in RSA, no problems at all. All the people I dealt with, from the outfitter to the general public were very accommodating. I will say as others have said above...there are probably some places to avoid, but I think that common sense will tell you what you need to know. I would not hesitate to return...and plan to. Enjoy your trip.
I have hunted all over South Africa, and been in many of the big and smaller cities and towns, and driven hither and yon. Most recently was in April of this year, and I was in the Limpopo, the homeland of Julius Malema. If you've never heard of him, don't bother.

I have never felt unsafe anywhere I was, particularly not in any hunting areas.

I would say, though, that in big cities, you should be escorted by someone who knows the place, and knows where not to go. Sort of like big US cities. I would say that's just common sense. Having said that, it's unlikely you'll spend any time in big cities anyway, except as a tourist once your hunt is over.

I would go, and I wouldn't worry about a thing. You will be met by your PH at the airport, and delivered back there at the end of the hunt. You will be safe, and you will have a great time.
2011 Garbage and Gas strikes. I was self driving around the countryside.
I ran into the garbage strike in some small town.
Main street covered in garbage, I turned left went over one block and drove around it.
Stopped for lunch and went on our way.
Gas strike, depended on the truck drivers. Bark worse than the bite on that one. Never affected us.


One of these mornings I stopped at Beavers Pies and the petrol station and noticed a pair of SAPS officers grabbing some breakfast and seemed to be in a hurry. I think these are the first Caucasian officers I have ever met in my time in RSA. Note worthy for this reason, at least to me.
I asked what the rush was about and got a mumbled answer.

As we headed west along the highway it became apparent that something bad had happened. There was a police road block. No big deal to me.

We were asked how far we were going and were then told that the road was blocked further up and you could not get to PE.
So, it was really a long way from where we were going to be.
Nothing more explained than you can not get through there is some kind of protest.

Being the curious little fellow I am I had to research this one on the net when I got back later that night.

I found this:
Kenton Blockade.jpg

Apparently the folks in Kenton were not happy that the housing they were promised by some government headed by some fella named Mandela a few years back was not proceeding as promised.

Instead of protesting the local Housing Council office and chatting with them these folks decided to block the entire highway with burning tires.

Never made the news at home. Only got a small mention on the net and I had to look hard to find it.

At no time was I uncomfortable or in danger in any manner. Just some frustrated folks protesting against a government not acting on its promises.

No one else in the world can relate to that can you??

I have been through Soweto and had lunch with friends on the patio of a very nice shop and never felt uncomfortable.
I have breezed by "Alex" in Joburg, not stopping by for sure. Not a nice place to be. Stay out.

Hung out on the edge of Cape Townships "locations" for a week in a self cater. Zero issues. Well, one little fellow of five years of age asked me why I gave money to a blind man and not him. It made no sense to him.

Drove through the Nemato "location" in Port Alfred at night taking my charge home. Never lost, never bothered.

To answer your question: Yes there are farm assaults/attacks and murders. Is it likely affect your safari, not very likely.

I still go to New York and
"New York City homicide rate for 2015 tops last year’s tally, data shows"

Be prudent, listen to your PH and go have some fun.
Alright, I'm very glad to hear all the reassurances! I suppose I just get edgy every now and again, especially since I'm not sure of the sizes of the areas and such. Thank you all for your experiences, they really helped!
Been three times. Once with the wife, once with older son and once with younger son. Will go again and not be concerned. Walk through Jo'burg at night looking like a dumb tourist? Of course not. Walk a few blocks from where I sit in my office at night looking like a dumb tourist? Of course not.
Choose your outfitter well, stick with him and follow directions. In Johannesburg, not a bad idea to hire a driver. There are bad areas in every country and every city. For some reason ex-pat South Africans slag their former country more than other ex-pats. Maybe to justify moving? There are places I wouldn't go at night in Calgary, South Africa no different, that is why you hire a local to guide you away from those area.

Rest easy and prepare for your trip. I really recommend that you hire a meet and greet/rifle permit service. Well worth the money and you will have no problems.
Just returned last week with my wife, never once felt ill at ease.
First off let me apologies if this is in the wrong thread!

I'm reading a lot of news coming out of South Africa nowadays and my simple question is, for your average Joe hunter, is South Africa still politically safe to hunt in? Ive seen several articles about people going out to farms and shooting up the place ( and it seems like there is an intensifying "us v.s. them" mentality in some of the areas. I just wanted opinions on the safety of the trip. I desperately want to go, I've made my plans for next year and I've already put down my deposit, I just wanted some reassurance or warning I guess. Again, sorry if this was in the wrong forum, I just thought that since it did have to do with hunting in Africa it might belong here.

Thank you!

I hunted in the Eastern Cape of RSA June 2015. I felt completely safe in the company of my PH. Plan to go back in 2018 with my family.

I know you can't predict the future but I think some of what you read is media hyping things up for attention. Go hunt in Africa while you still can and enjoy its beauty.

BTW, there are plenty of places in the States that I would not go on a bet and I live here.
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Go and Enjoy,nuff Said
Yeah... If you're with a solid outfit, you are all good. Hell we were in the heart of KZN at a local grocery store. Some might say armpit. Rough hood, at night. No Probs. Now I will say this.... I didn't want to hang out there.... But no jeopardy either.
Ever been to Houston? EL Paso? No worries buddy. If I had any concerns I wouldn't take my kid. If you don't pay attention you will get killed in any big city here, same anywhere. I wish I could pack my 45 everywhere but no such luck!
Go enjoy yourself,
You want to feel unsafe just head to Southeast DC. Especially as night. When I was in RSA I never felt unsafe, sure you will hear stories but think about all of the crazy stuff that happens here, we are just use to it.
All I can tell you is I've lost a lot more money in SA than anyplace else, well, except Zimbabwe. ...
All I can tell you is I've lost a lot more money in SA than anyplace else, well, except Zimbabwe. ...

LOL, after one trip it's all down hill from there because you will never get the Dark Continent out of your blood. I have been told it a hunting trip after another:whistle::whistle::whistle:

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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?