If there is enough wood, you typically carve a thin channel from the inside of the stock or two and lay all-thread (tiny allthread) in the channels loosely engulfed by two part epoxy or acriglass. You can then glass bed the action and recoil lug and completely conceal it Internally for more stability. At that point, structurally, your gun is repaired. What remains is to restore the wood. The wood looks like it would clean up very nicely. The wood doesn’t seem to have lost material over time from sanding or wear. With a proper oil finish and rotten stone and slacum grain fill on the stock it will look fantastic.
The price you paid of $1550 without the crack was correct. I dont think $1400 cracked is a good starting point.
I understand now about the all thread. I was envisioning drilling and inserting.
Like I said above, the linked rifle isn't the one I purchased. Just a very similar one.