Maybe they should learn to shoot accurately and shoot the game in the right place. And possibly load bullets suited to the game hunted.
A down under friend of mine, Peter, has taken banteng, waterbuff, hogs, deer, etc in country.
(Even Craig Boddingon and daughter took water buff there with the .405.)
Peter has also taken cape buff and such in Africa, and water buff, elk, and others in Texas (lots of exotic ranches where we hunted together).
His 1895 .405 sports a scope mounted by the first owner who used it to take cape buff and other game in Africa.
Even I have used mine on water buff, cape buff(400 grain Woodies), Nilgai,, and many critters of lesser stature.
Certainly, the rifle and cartridge are not best for every hunter, but have long been proven on medium, large, and dangerous game.
loading the magazine with rimmed cartridges, especially on the run, must be done properly or a jam will occur. Clearing the jam, especially with a pocket knife and on the run, can be very frustrating, but can be done. IMHO, this would be a valid objection for a battle rifle.