AH veteran
I get my VPAs scary sharp and then lightly put some unscented chap stick on each polished surface to prevent rust.
regarding commentary of a "spine" shot, horrible idea with a bow! if an animal is small enough, it can anchor it right there. but you have a small margin of error for a miss AND a poor hit. not a great deal.
if the animal is larger, like an elk, moose, kudu, eland, you likely will not drop it on the spot and it WILL likely run off! i shot a moose in the spine with an arrow once, (misjudged the range) and it ran off and got away. a week later, my buddy that was there with me killed that same bull, thankfully.
the take away, a spine shot is a horrible choice with a bow. my 2 cents
Very interesting discussion, I have always aimed for lungs do to the size. In preparation for my first trip to Africa I have been studying the triangle intensly. My 3D league scores have gone down but the real life trophy will be better lol. Lots of good info from you guys.
Great Thread! I just got back from the Eastern Cape in July and I took this Kudu with a heart shot. One of the coolest hunting experiences of my life. It was near dark and I had this animal out 20 yards from me spot and stalk. They stand pretty tall at the shoulder and his horns were straight up as he was looking at me. I put the pin on the shoulder and touched the release. I heard a thwack and only what I can describe as a roar/groan a half second later then he crashed right where I shot him. I used a grizzly stick arrow with a 175 grain samurai two blade head. He is not the biggest kudu in the world but he is nice for the Eastern cape and was a great experience for me. Weird how some animals will run when hit by a gun and some fall in their tracks like this one did with a bow kill.
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