Input Wanted 375 Ruger vs 375 H&H

I don’t have a left handed 375 Ruger but I do have a 375 Ruger that I got to go back to Africa for a Cap Buffalo.
I also got a Leapold 1-5 for it.

i haven’t made it back to Africa and I have shot some 300 grain through it.
When I found some 275 grain shells I went from a zero at 100 to one at 200.
I am planning to take it on an elk hunt some day.
Here is the first round at the range with the 275 shells.

the top one was the first time at 200. The small holes were my 204 Ruger I shoot when I go out.
The second one was shooting the 375 at 300 yards. The ballistics said it would be 8 inches low at 300.
I set up the target the size of the smaller targets above at 8 inches. I got one an inch and a half low and got the two shots one an inch and a half high of the 8 inches low line. That is with a 5 power scope the cross hairs covered the dot at 300.
I was thrilled with those results.
The other 1-3 were my 300 WM at 300 yards.
An inch and a half high so I moved it down.
But also a great group at 300 yards.
I am using a scope with the circles to aim off.
I should aim more to the middle of the first circle down.
I had a left hand Ruger model 77 African and didn't dislike anything about the rifle or the caliber. I just like the history of the classic 375 h&h. So, I sold the Ruger and bought a left hand customized CZ 550 ( American Hunting Rifle) in 375 h&h. It was a beautiful rifle but I got bit by the Blaser bug and sold the Cz. Now have a Blaser R8, classic stock in 9,3x62 and a 375 h&h barrel on order. Someone else would have kept the Ruger and the CZ but I am not into collecting and don't get too sentimental over rifles. I do have a Ruger No. 1 in 375 h&h. I likely will keep that one for one of my sons.
My last two trips to Africa , I rented right hand bolt action rifles ( a CZ550 and a Winchester model 70). It didn't feel like much of a handicap. If I recall correctly, Fredrick C. Selous was left handed? Shooting right handed didn't seem to hinder him.
I am looking at trying to get a 375 for hunting buffalo, hippo, etc… the problem I have is I shoot left handed and left handed bolt guns are typically hard to find. In my looking the 375 Ruger is coming up more than the 375 H&H in left handed options. For those that have experience with either of these cartridges is one significantly better than the other? Pros/Cons of each as far as hunting performance goes. Any and all input would be appreciated. Thanks
Well, there is a perfect brand new lefty .375H&H for sale in the link below. ;)

Define the “right one”. Maybe we can help.
Right one may not have been the best choice of wording. I was just looking for pros and cons of the 2 calibers. The problem I was afraid of and it appears to be valid was that finding either of these calibers in a LH bolt gun was going to be hard. I haven’t bought a new rifle in 18 years and have never bought a rifle from an online source. So I am sure with a bit of work and searching I’ll find a rifle I can be happy with in an appropriate caliber for hunting buffalo and plains game. Thanks again for all of the input.
Well, there is a perfect brand new lefty .375H&H for sale in the link below. ;)

I was hoping to find something not quite as expensive. That is a fantastic looking weapon for sure. Thanks for pointing it out.
I had a left hand Ruger model 77 African and didn't dislike anything about the rifle or the caliber. I just like the history of the classic 375 h&h. So, I sold the Ruger and bought a left hand customized CZ 550 ( American Hunting Rifle) in 375 h&h. It was a beautiful rifle but I got bit by the Blaser bug and sold the Cz. Now have a Blaser R8, classic stock in 9,3x62 and a 375 h&h barrel on order. Someone else would have kept the Ruger and the CZ but I am not into collecting and don't get too sentimental over rifles. I do have a Ruger No. 1 in 375 h&h. I likely will keep that one for one of my sons.
My last two trips to Africa , I rented right hand bolt action rifles ( a CZ550 and a Winchester model 70). It didn't feel like much of a handicap. If I recall correctly, Fredrick C. Selous was left handed? Shooting right handed didn't seem to hinder him.
I was able to shoot a right handed 375 a few weeks ago without any issues. Before my most recent safari I decided to rent a 375 from the PH to buffalo hunt because I didn’t own a rifle legal for hunting buffalo and I didn’t want to buy a new gun for “ a onetime buffalo hunt.” Well after experiencing hunting Cape buffalo, I feel certain that there will be other Cape buffalo hunts in my future. I am already looking into a hunt in 2024 and 2025. My though is that if I am going to get serious about hunting buffalo as frequently as I hope to, I’d like to have my own rifle in a suitable caliber.
i have a 375 ruger alaskan, love it.

it is shorter, handier and lighter than a 375 h&h.

that said, the h&h has better availability of choices for ammo which is a pretty big deal, but the hornady DGX bonded in the factory ammo is an excellent soft bullet.

if you want choices for ammo the h&h is the best call, if you want a equivalent performer in a handier package, get the 375 ruger.
@Fatback - Dangerous game rifles are not inexpensive. Expect prices to start at $2K with a semi-custom rifle that's ready to go around $5K for the rifle without a scope. Below are a few examples.

CZ550 375H&H LH on GI, but plan on spending another $1K-3K to get it 100% reliable and don't forget the rings & scope. Price is also higher because this action is now discontinued, but highly coveted.

Dakota 76 Safari 375H&H on GI...probably good to go if you add a scope and practice. I'd still have the action gone over up by a competent gunsmith, but not a lot of work will be needed.

Lastly is the Blaser R8 375H&H. Call the seller and ask if he can change out the bolt housing for a LH model and you are good to go. If not, a LH bolt housing is about $500 and you can sell the one on the rifle to recoup your money.

C'mon guys, you had to know I was going to throw in a Blaser R8...with a travel case!!! Had to do it and it's a wicked deal. Matter of fact, I might be looking at that myself. :cool:


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@Fatback - Dangerous game rifles are not inexpensive. Expect prices to start at $2K with a semi-custom rifle that's ready to go around $5K for the rifle without a scope. Below are a few examples.

CZ550 375H&H LH on GI, but plan on spending another $1K-3K to get it 100% reliable and don't forget the rings & scope. Price is also higher because this action is now discontinued, but highly coveted.

Dakota 76 Safari 375H&H on GI...probably good to go if you add a scope and practice. I'd still have the action gone over up by a competent gunsmith, but not a lot of work will be needed.

Lastly is the Blaser R8 375H&H. Call the seller and ask if he can change out the bolt housing for a LH model and you are good to go. If not, a LH bolt housing is about $500 and you can sell the one on the rifle to recoup your money.

C'mon guys, you had to know I was going to throw in a Blaser R8...with a travel case!!! Had to do it and it's a wicked deal. Matter of fact, I might be looking at that myself. :cool:
I am not opposed to spending some money on this purchase. I am new to this type of fun shopping and just want to make sure I am doing my due diligence. I really appreciate you attaching those links. I’ll definitely be reaching out.
Here are my 2 cents: we should not use the words performance and velocity interchangeably.

If we are speaking about velocity, yes, the 2007-vintage Ruger is capable of giving you about 100-150fps more than the 1912-vintage H&H, barrel length being equal. The Ruger's modern, parallel-sided cartridge body gives you 4 more grains of water capacity than its older, much more tapered counterpart. What this means in practice is that the Ruger achieves the same velocity with a 22" barrel as the H&H does with a 24" tube, thereby enabling you to shave off a few ounces.

Which leads me to one additional consideration on case design. If within the yardstick of performance we also include action compactness, yes, the Ruger gives you a case length of 2.580" Vs. 2.850." You save a fraction of an inch and perhaps another ounce or two, if that's something you consider important.

Also, there is some evidence that right now the Ruger outsells the H&H--according to a Hornady engineer I spoke to, the figures are 10 to 1 within their brand. I don't have data about other ammo manufactures, nor can I tell you stats about off-the-shelf ammo availability here or (much less) in other countries, since I'm 99% a handloader.

My PH, a man I literally trust with my life, has a .375 Ruger and loves it--even in spite of all the ribbing I've given him, me being a staunch H&H partisan.

As far as actual performance on game, however, I defy anyone here to point to an actual, real life, personal or otherwise documented experience when one cartridge has proven adequate while the other has not. I'll doff my hat to anyone who can, and I'll revise my thinking accordingly.

My preference fully goes for the H&H. Honoring tradition is a vital part of why I'm a hunter and I have never even owned a rifle chambered for a cartridge introduced past the 1920s. None of the golden-era Africana writers mention the .375 Ruger (for obvious reasons), nor did any of the legendary White Hunters of yore carry it. Since I like to dream as belonging to that fraternity--naturally several galactic-level orders of magnitude their junior--I try to have as much in common with them as I can. And in that regard, the H&H fits the bill.
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I shoot both, my 375 ruger is in stainless and is my alaska rifle. My 375 H&H is a model 70 with decent wood and is the rest of the world rifle. I love history and the 375 H&H is my favorite of.d the two. (But behind a 9.3x62 and 404 Jeff) That being said

Lay out your requirements, IE budget, Left handed action, 375 CAL. Do you care one way or the other about history? if So get the H&H. If not get the first Ruger or H&H that fits your requirements and fits your body. BUT it, SHOOT it a lot, and go hunt. Write trip/hunt report se was can all share you experience along the way.
I own a 375 Ruger, a 375/338 Win Mag (goes by several different names) and four 375 H&H. As far as terminal ballistics on game I can no difference. No surprise!

Move a 300 gr. .375 dia. bullet at between 2500 and 2550 fps and you have a first class combo on all manner of game, regardless which case launched the bullet.

If you go with a 20" barrel on the 375 Ruger and check the vel. you will struggle to get to 2500 fps. But with a 24" barrel the Ruger will match and even exceed any H&H out there, with ease.

One of my H&H has a 26" barrel and will get to 2650 fps with the right powder, I see little gain here in the field and the rifle is hell in the thick bush.

The 375/338 along with the 416 Taylor were looked at long and hard by Ruger before Hornady helped developed the case that they adopted.

I think both but they are now considered wildcats since the demise of A sq. and there 416 Taylor chambering.

For feeding it is impossible to beat the H&H. That long tapered case just wants to jump into the chamber. The Ruger was designed without the belt to help with feeding, but in my experience the H&H still feeds much easier. And all of my H&H's are more accurate than the Ruger or 375/338......all of them.

One of my H&H I built on a 7mm Rem mag Savage 110 action. It was not a difficult job and took only a little action and mag modification, along with the easy barrel change system.

The 110 is not liked by a lot of rifle purists because of it's appearance and the liberal use of plastic and sheet metal. All of that can be corrected with aftermarket parts like trigger guards, stocks, sights etc.

But make no mistake the 110 is a strong and durable PF action, and when done right is as dependable as any Win. Rem. Ruger etc.

The 110 is always a good option for a left handed shooter without breaking the bank.

If you can't find a left handed 375 you like or can afford, then a left handed 110 can be converted to your taste with a barrel from ER Shaw, a mag modification or a long 110 mag. and a good glass bed job on the stock. If the action is of the older design about 3/16" of metal must be removed just in front of the bolt to open the action up to H&H length (no big deal I use a moto tool to do this). If it is a later action, then Savage has already opened it up. Just open the bolt all the way to the rear and see if any metal in the well protrudes in front of the bolt.

Good luck on the rifle and your upcoming hunt, which ever 375 you choose you won't be sorry, it is a great caliber and all the chamberings work well with it, especially when that 300 gr bullet is a Barnes TSX or Solid.
I own several of both. Largely two peas in a pod.

I prefer the 375 Ruger because the shorter barrel works better in an alder thicket in Alaska. I imagine that would apply in thick African cover as well. I've also found (very subjectively with the rifles I've owned), that the 375 Ruger is more accurate with light bullets. Not every 375 H&H seems to shoot lighter than 270s well. My wife prefers the balance of the 375 Ruger better, and my son prefers the 375 H&H, I think for nostalgia reasons. All ammo is hard to find right now, but H&H has the edge. Much easier to find an inexpensive new 375 Ruger, I think. I don't agree about resale value at all. Right now, people are trying to give away H&H at gunshows, as it seems to be out of vogue. I saw a stainless winchester for $600 at the last show, less than any of the used savage bear hunter 375 Rugers. I believe I'd be shopping used, unless I wanted to jump into the custom route.

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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?