I use the RN solid quite a bit as its the cheapest I can find to shoot 200 plus rounds per year out of my 458 Lott in 500gr. Except for good practise at BASA it acts as my solid when hunting and works just fine.
Same for my 375 H&H but then 270gr bullets as I cannot get overal length above 89.5mm and then it doesnt function well in the magazine.
@DWB also uses them on BASA shoot in his 404 Jeff, 450 Rigby and now his new 500 Jeff.
I started in my .303 Brit with the 130gr LW bullet the pointy one and me and the Owner had a couple of words way back in 2002. I asked him why would anyone want to shoot pencil point bullets and he gave me a bunch and that was the end of it as long as you hit vitals they work great.
My 303 barrel was also shot and this bullet gave me good accuracy.
It was a loaner rifle to a bunch of cleints of mine on plainsgame from Springbuck to Zebra.
Never lost an animal as a loaner rifle one nyala was shot marginal and we had a long follow up but found it in the end.
So yes I have been using Impala bullets since they started out about 23 years now.
But like I wrote above these days I only use the RN solids.
With that I combine SBC bullets for softs also locally made.