If you live long enough, smoking is 100% fatal,
Well, if you dont smoke, it is also 100% fatal. Living is dangerous.
I know a lot of people, younger then me, non smokers dying young. I dont know many smokers dying young. All my family were smokers, pushing 90 on the end of days.
There is increase of terminal and chronic disease, and I am sure it is not directly related to smoking. We dont know where this comes from. We dont live healthy.
Non smoking policy was implemented for decades. What is accomplished:
When they removed "Marlboro man", from advertising, the world culturally changed, but I doubt it changed to healthier. It kicked out smokers from pubs, and cigarrets from advertising. But thats about it.
it created the culture (similar to other woke, pro DEI, pro LGBT, anti smoking, pro animal rights, etc) where "nice people" dont smoke and support the rest of new ideas.
Smoking trends fall:
This report presents descriptions, figures, and links to more detailed tables on trends and current patterns of the use of cigarettes and other tobacco products among adults and children.
ny Tobacco Product
From 2002 to 2022, current use of any tobacco product (cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, smokeless tobacco, and vaping nicotine for 2020-2022): View Data Table
Decreased 33% among those ages 18-25, from 45.3% to 30.4%.
Decreased 22% among those aged 26 or older, from 29.9% to 23.4%.
Decreased 36% among males ages 18-25, from 52.1% to 33.4%.
Decreased 23% among males aged 26 or older, from 37.3% to 28.8%.
Decreased 29% among females ages 18-25, from 38.4% to 27.3%.
Decreased 22% among females aged 26 or older, from 23.2% to 18.2%.
So, smoking is in check, for decades, where are we now?
Health issues in the rise, i choose autism and cancer, but any other deasese can be checked as well:
A new study shows the number of children and adults diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder has increased by 175% over a decade. Why is autism increasing?
A new study published in JAMA Network Open shows that the number of children and adults diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has increased by 175% over a decade.
The rate of young adults being diagnosed with cancer is rising sharply, particularly in high-income countries like the US and UK.
In the US, the rate of
cancer diagnosed in those under 40 increased a staggering 35.4% from 1975 to 2019, according to a Business Insider analysis of federal data.