Broadheads kill by hemorrhaging. Bullets kill with hydrostatic shock. An animal may not realize it has been shot with an arrow. There is no doubt you are getting their attention with a bullet.I thought that I conceded your point that Cross bows are accurate and close to rifle accuracy out to 100 yrds (1”-2” MOA). I tried to discuss that there are differences that affect a bow or cross bow that do Not affect a bullet (as much). The main difference is speed - the fastest arrow is 4x SLOWER then most rifle bullets used. And because they travel much slower then the speed of sound - an animal can react & move after hearing the sound and before the arrow/bolt arrives. This is the difference from shooting a target at 50-75-100 yrds and an animal. The crossbows launching bolts at 400-500 fps are often measured using the lightest arrow/broadhead weights which sometimes can affect penetration (it’s a tradeoff). I think Compound Bows and Cross bows are now incrediblely advanced from 10 years ago and light years ahead of stick bows. I enjoy hunting and target shooting with both. I still do Not think they compare with a rifle despite similar accuracy under some conditions. Most Deer can “jump a string” even from a Cross bow if the distance is over 30-35 yrds and even at 400-500fps the “sound” reaches the deer before the arrow. Assuming a Deer has a 10” vital zone and you are aiming dead center, the deer only needs to drop 4”-5” and its an “off hit”. A deer standing at 40 yrds “hears” the string pop before the arrow is at 20 yrds. Now, that was my point - I might be off by a few feet or yards but I believe my concept is on fairly solid ground and admitt there are many variables - including some deer are so relaxed that they do Not flinch or “string jump” at every shot. I certainly do Not argue that a cross bow is an improvement over most bows and has a slightly longer range. I do Not belittle any crossbow hunter and I have done much cross bow hunting....although I prefer a compound and I “wish” I was good enough to use a traditional long bow (But I’m Not good enough). I think I understand your point and respect your experience - we are actually fairly close in our opinions. Good Hunting to You