I Thought My Gun Was Clean


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Apr 3, 2023
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Teslong borescope proved me wrong. I cleaned my Black Mamba with my brass brush and patches until they came out white but just for fun I looked through the bore with my new Teslong borescope and found that I needed to do some more work.

There were still small chunks of lead in the barrel and the breach was pitiful. I grabbed my brush, some MPro-7 and patches and went at it again. After about 10 passes and 20 patches I looked again and the barrel was fine. The breach face also looked much better.

Looks like I'll be doing a better job in the future.
Teslong borescope proved me wrong. I cleaned my Black Mamba with my brass brush and patches until they came out white but just for fun I looked through the bore with my new Teslong borescope and found that I needed to do some more work.

There were still small chunks of lead in the barrel and the breach was pitiful. I grabbed my brush, some MPro-7 and patches and went at it again. After about 10 passes and 20 patches I looked again and the barrel was fine. The breach face also looked much better.

Looks like I'll be doing a better job in the future.

:E Head Scratch::E Hmmm:....so when cleaning a black mamba with a brass brush ....do you start at its ass end or mouth....and presumably its not too happy,.so what's the end result?.....:E Rofl:
:E Head Scratch::E Hmmm:....so when cleaning a black mamba with a brass brush ....do you start at its ass end or mouth....and presumably its not too happy,.so what's the end result?.....:E Rofl:
Save the teeth for last. He'll be so tickled he won't bite.
:E Head Scratch::E Hmmm:....so when cleaning a black mamba with a brass brush ....do you start at its ass end or mouth....and presumably its not too happy,.so what's the end result?.....:E Rofl:
The end result of a pissed-off black mamba? This...

What is a black Mamba if not a snake?....another weird name for a rifle or calibre....like those lazzeroni things?...which sounded more like something from the good old TV series thunderbirds .....but honestly...black Mamba..... :E Shrug:
Same experience! That clean patches thing is a myth although the impact on "hunting" accuracy is another matter and not so easy to answer
I only clean every couple hundred rounds, my guns don’t get interesting till 5-10 rounds down the tunnel
Save the teeth for last. He'll be so tickled he won't bite.
I brushed my ex-mother-in-law's teeth the very same way when she was sleeping, once! i really don't know how clean they got, it was just fun and made me smile and laugh. Used some Barnes CR-10 acid for good measure...lol
I brushed my ex-mother-in-law's teeth the very same way when she was sleeping, once! i really don't know how clean they got, it was just fun and made me smile and laugh. Used some Barnes CR-10 acid for good measure...lol
You bore snaked your mother-in-law? Dog!
Generally, I prefer not to have nightmares.
So, I dont look through the bore scope.
A bore scope is your friend.
I've read previously that a bore scope is not your friend. Makes you start second guessing your cleaning and finds problems that were not a problem till you found them.
It would be interesting to look down the tube but interpreting what I see might be another matter.
Like others, I find my guns are most accurate when slightly dirty. Old-time shotgun champions I’ve known only occasionally clean their bores - after 1,000’s of rounds. Our generation, being inundated with gun cleaning products have become OCD about clean bores (I’m guilty as well).
I too have been guilty of over-cleaning my rifles for years. I'm convinced that barrel rifling is like a cast iron skillet, and works best when properly seasoned. There is a guy on YouTube who goes by the name of GunBlue390 that does a tremendous job of explaining why you want to keep your barrel copper-seasoned for accuracy.
:E Head Scratch::E Hmmm:....so when cleaning a black mamba with a brass brush ....do you start at its ass end or mouth....and presumably its not too happy,.so what's the end result?.....:E Rofl:
Start at the mouth end mate less chance of it biting you that way. You may still get a tail whip to.
A bore scope is your friend.
And your enemy. It can have you worry needlessly that your bore ain't clean enough and you could end up with a stuffed barrel from over cleaning.
Great for diagnosing possible problems. My 25 hasn't had a proper clean in 200 rounds and I NEVER ran the barrel in either. Still shoots 0.8 inch groups at 200 yards. I don't think using a bore scope and having a spotless barrel will help me too much but to each his own.
To me a bore scope is only good to determine the condition of the barrel for heat cracks, erosion of the throat or tool marks. Apart from that unless you are ocd forget it for checking if the barrel is clean enough to maintain hunting accuracy.
I only clean every couple hundred rounds, my guns don’t get interesting till 5-10 rounds down the tunnel
@S-3 Ranch
Sell all your rifles then mate. That's why you bought them in the first place because you were interested.
If a rifle doesn't get interesting until 5 or 10 shots something is wrong. Game ain't gonna start around until you fire 5 to 10 shots for it to work properly.
All my rifles put the first shot where it should be every time Wether clean or dirty and will do so for the next few, even a hot barrel still puts them where they need to be.
A 10 shot 1.2 inch group starting with a cold clean barrel using 5 different projectiles and 5 different shooters and no cooling between shooters,now that's an interesting rifle.

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Goat416 welcome to the forum ,youve got some great pics and Im sure trophy's
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Would you consider selling just the Barnes 235's and 250g TTSX's?
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Spain, i booked through a consultant, i book almost everything through him now and he's done me right. his contact 724 986 7206 if interested and he will have more info to share,
I hunted elephant with Luke Samaris in 2005. It was my fourth safari and I tell you he is a fine gentleman the best. I got the opportunity to meet Patty Curtis, although never hunted with him but enjoyed our conversation around our tent in the Selous. Very sad for a tough guy to leave this world the way he did. Let’s pray the murderers are caught. I hope to see Luke in Nashville.