AH legend
Man.... when does saw the headline/subject.... I thought @gizmo was reporting on his virginity status. Nevertheless, thank you for your service'
Retirement is looking awful nice to me as well. I'm at 17+ in the Army Reserves with about half that in the National Guard. It's so true that the military has change. You used to have to conform to the military, now the military conforms to the smallest of minorities. Trannies will soon be allowed, gays just got approved, women can now be in the Infantry. But those PT standards are still a far stretch between men and women. My biggest problem with that is the scrawniest male has to do more to pass a PT test than a female of the same stature, but we boast all the time about one standard.
I can't wait for the next two years to pass by so I can join the ranks of those who have given most of their lives to a cause as great as defending our Nation.
Politically Correct note... Sorry if you got hurt feelings from my rant. We Grunts are a proud, and abrasive breed!
The US army makes a difference between men and women regarding physics tests? In Sweden we take the exakt same tests. Most women get Low scores on the strength tests but is able to score as high as any man on the endurance test.
Well gents, I finally did it. I dropped my military retirement papers; my retirement ceremony will be 4 Nov, with an effective retirement date of 14 Dec 2017 (on my granddaughter's birthday). It's a bitter sweet feeling, but I am sure it's not going to sink in until the day I am officially out of the USAF. By the time I retire, I would have served 34 years, 8 months & 28 days.It's been a fantastic ride, and if I had to do it again, I would signed in on the dotted line without hesitation. I am an old dinosaur, and it's a different military now, time for me to fade away with all the old farts of my generation. LOL!!!!!
I hope I posted this in the right place.