Hyena attack in Kruger Park

Brent in Az

AH ambassador
Feb 25, 2015
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USA - Az, NM, CO, MT, MN.
Teen Suffers Severe Facial Wounds in South Africa Hyena Attack

Posted by Travis Smola

8 hours ago

The boy describes sound of hyena chewing his face as being similar to chips being crushed.
South Africa’s Kruger National Park is one of the wildest places on earth and that fact was proven further during a hyena attack this past Sunday.

The times live reports the 15-year-old boy was camping with his parents within the park when a hyena entered a camping area and attacked him while he was sleeping at around 4:30 a.m.

“He was immediately rushed to the Medi Clinci in Nelspruit after receiving first aid service by a nurse who was also in the camp,” South African National Parks acting head of communications William Mabasa told the Times Live.

The boy was later identified as Erco Janse van Rensburg and reports the hyena actually dragged the boy by his face. The injuries were so severe, they forced doctors to perform major reconstructive surgery. It was no doubt a painful experience as News 24 reports doctors could not totally sedate the boy because of worries of his blood pressure dropping too far.

But perhaps the most blood-curdling detail of the attack came from the boy’s grandfather Basie Smalberger.he told reporters that once Janse van Rensburg was able to speak again, he described the sound of the hyena chewing on his face as similar to “chips breaking in a packet.”

The hyena responsible for the attack apparently remains at large after fleeing the scene. “The rangers came to the camp to look for the hyena but could not find her,” . “They however found a hole under the parameter fence where the animal could have came in. SANParks sincerely regrets the incident and sympathize with the family.”


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very bad...but this animal will try again, hopefully someone can do something about this...1rstly The problem in KNP is with US THE campers feeding animals alone the fenced line, this makes all animals not scared for humans and as an opportunist like Hyena are, they go for the small ones...2ndly, a lack of maintenance as indicated (hole in the fence) - someone is not patrolling the fence anymore...:whistle:
I'd like more details on how they chased the Hyena away, I was under the impression that they would only need moments to complete the kill. Glad I was wrong though.
Animals are very clever and dangerous. The problem is on TV and in photos you always see someone with an animal and it looks cute. The hyena look at the child as prey and attack him and not the adults. A few years ago in Australia there was a case where a crocodile enter a campsite and walk passed the tents were the adults was sleeping and entered the tent where the children slept and grab the smallest kid. Luckily he survived the attack. Always treat wild animals as very dangerous.
I am heading over in about two weeks to hunt Hyena near the park in about two weeks with Marius at KMG. While serving in the DRC with the Army we sometimes came upon victims of Hyena attacks, most reports or investigations showed they attacked folks sleeping and mostly went for the face, absolutely horrifying wounds.
Remind me again why there are no guns allowed in Kruger and other parks? I wilderness camp in Algonquin and always bring my ar7 or 410. Breaking the law, definitely, do I give a rats ass, hell no.
I certainly feel bad for the kid, and hope the injuries heal. Getting pulled by the face, with some of the most powerful jaws in the animal kingdom, is a thing of nightmares.
Just last year there was a woman killed in Zimbabwe where I was hunting recently. She was evidently walking at night and sat down for a rest and they ate her. Hyenas are not cartoons they are killing machines. Look at the way their body is built. Couple that with the fact that tourists are always feeding and approaching wildlife too closely and you have this result.
These events are always tragic. But wildlife and people? We are after all, the intruders trespassing in their territory.
There are loads of stories about hyhena's attacking people while they sleep in their tents - I know a guy who went to school with me, who lost a foot to hyhena's.

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