Hunting prices 2018 v. 2019

in zambia approx 2 years ago we were getting approx kwacha 14.00 to one usd we are getting just over k9.00 to one usd....prices havent come down and in fact fuel went up about 30% over night late last year.....
I say go as soon as you can. As has been said above there is no knowing what may change in the time that you are waiting for prices to come down. The variables are endless: financial, political, personal etc.

My philosophical view on money is that you will always earn more of it, but the opportunity to spend it that is facing you right now may never come again. Think about it a while, consider how much money has passed through your hands during your life time, you've got to believe there will be more, I mean they print that stuff every day! If I can exchange something as commonplace as money for something rare like a product, an experience or a service then I'll do it, provided it's something I value. Having said this I'm poor and just scrape through most of the time, so don't take my financial advise too wholeheartedly. I do have a wonderful variety of experiences to look back on and I look forward to many more.
@spike.t rumours abound that fuel is due to go up by 50% soon. Ouch, my petrol VX doesn't need that.

great!! that means diesel will be going from k10.72 to k16.08 per litre or usd 1.72 per litre , and if my calculations are correct thats usd 6.50 to a us gallon for our american friends...........and even more for you with petrol......the IMF is getting its pound of if it comes in it will be about usd 300.00 to fill twin tanks on a cruiser.....:(
Yebbo @spike.t , add this to the already approved hike in Electricity prices and we can expect the cost of living to go up a bit around here.

If the OP is planning to hunt Zambia he wants to get in quick.
I'd go a soon as you can. I'm in the process of booking my 3rd trip so I can take my mom. My mom is in her 60's and even though 2019 would be ideal financially, I decided that 2018 would have to do for the same reasons as mentioned above. It's best to go asap and reasonable for yourself. Don't let a few hundred dollars keep you from enjoying life and its experiences.
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Let's say you can afford to go in 2018, but like most of us, you'd be happy to pay less. So you wait until 2019 to see what happens. The hunt might get cheaper, but if it gets more expensive, you might just find that you can't afford to hunt anymore, or to hunt as many animals.

I'd suggest that trying to speculate on future hunt prices is like trying to speculate on any other commodity - everyone has an opinion, but it's only yours that counts. If you bet wrong, you can't blame anyone else. And in this case, it's hard to bet right because there are lots of variables. The supply and demand for animals is only one factor; foreign exchange rates - which are notoriously volatile - and government regulations (remember Tanzania and taxes?) are also involved, but there are others.

My advice to someone with this question would be to go when you can, have the best experience you can, and don't look back. If things do get cheaper, rather than feeling like you overpaid, consider that a return just got easier. If they get more expensive, well, you can be pleased you got a deal.

Either way, you win by going now, rather than waiting and potentially losing out.
I would like to fine someone to go over with to help on daily fees! Namibia is my Fav
I totally agree with those that recommend going sooner rather than later. Only the good Lord knows what's in your future and He "ain't" talking. Money comes and goes, memories you will cherish forever.
For what it's worth, I just got back from RSA, and the prices for most game are as low as they've been since I started going.

Good buffalo are down about 20% if not more, lions are almost 40% less than they were when I first hunted them, quality Sable can be found for less than $7,000 (I heard of some as low as $5500), and package deals abound. Wintershoek - which could be considered among the higher end - have just offered a bow hunting package for the four (main) springbok colours for about $2650 or $2750, which includes six days of hunting. A couple of years ago, the coppers alone were getting to that number. These prices are for good hunts with reputable outfitters. If you want put and take on small places, you can find much better deals. You just won't have any fun.

Bubbles which many had said were going to burst in many cases have, and golden this and that can be hunted, if that's your thing, for a fraction of what they cost a few years ago.

I don't know if what we're seeing now are sustainable prices for all of the game on offer, but I don't believe the prices can go much lower without driving some out of the market, which, of course, will result in prices going back up at some point.

So I would say go now - I was glad I did!
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I will mirror what everyone else has already sad go as soon as you can you never know what the future holds. If your not set on exactly what you want try to catch a late deal that is discounted and jump on it. My first few trips I thaught I had a list of what I wanted to hunt but the more I go the more I found it is nice to just see what Africa gives you pick a few you really want and bring extra funds for what pops up. Also take some cull animals you get the experience at half the cost and don't need to worry about bringing them back. I have booked hunts as fare out as 3years and as little as 5 weeks on a cancelation.
I've started to plan a trip to South Africa for either 2018 or 2019. Given the current state of the economy do you think waiting another year will impact prices one way or another? I'd love to go in 18 but part of me thinks about waiting another year to save more money for the trip to allow for more animals. Thoughts?
Go while you can.
You know what you have, you do not know what you might get (healthwise as well).
The cost of living does not go down...
Live with no regrets.
Enjoy the planning process.
We are waiting for your report and feedback..
I found some deals at a quality places
Predicting prices is a lot like playing Russian Roulette. You never know what is going to happen......
Agree with all the advice here. I know so many who waited, even though they could have gone to Africa or Alaska or wherever. But they waited too long to do that dream which was so special to them, so now never will.
No guarantees in life. Your health could be compromised by 2019 or another financial factor could cause a change in plans. A lot could happen in two years. My advice, go this year. :D
When I first became enamoured with African Hunting back in the late 70's I wrote several booking agents for information so I could learn and plan. The well known and renowned booking agent Jack Atcheson had a great saying he put in all of his literature "Go hunting while you are physically able"

I took that message to heart and hunted every opportunity I had, regardless of prices.

The takeaway I learned from him - Money can be made, time cannot.

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Hello Tom: I saw your post about having 11 Iphisi's for sale. I have been thinking about one. I am also located in Virginia. Do you have photos of the availables to share? My email is [redacted]

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