Hunting on a Sunday


AH veteran
Jun 27, 2022
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Where I live there is currently very little hunting / shooting on a Sunday (many types are illegal on a Sunday), although I have good friends in France and Ireland (both probably more religiously observant than the UK) who tell me Sunday is the main day for hunting.

I have asked the PH not to hunt on a Sunday on my next trip later this year. It just doesn't sit well with me and doesn't seem right. From what I have seen most PHs hunt on Sundays, even those with apparently strong religious beliefs.

If I posted this on a UK forum, I would be ridiculed, however I am interested in how others with a Christian faith approach this, as you seem to be much more open about these things on here.

Please feel free to PM me if you have a view but would rather not post.
IMO: It’s up to the individual. The hunting season is only so long and the PH needs to make as much $$$$ during that time as possible. If you don’t was to hunt on the Sabbath, that’s your call, but I would still expect to be charged for the day.
During a five month season, if the PH didn’t hunt and charge for Sunday’s, he’d lose ~20 days of income.
Totally your call as the client. I hunt on Sunday’s at home and abroad. I consider myself a fairly observant Catholic, but I don’t think missing mass occasionally hurts the soul, especially when enjoying God‘s creation.
God loves soldiers and hunters. I hunt. God’s outdoor masterpiece is the greatest church. But do what makes you happiest.

Safe hunting
Your scheduled hunt is for xx amount of days, and if a Sunday falls in there, your PH's plan is likely to hunt.

On my first safari in the Eastern Cape the outfitter went to church and our two PH's took us to the Addo Elephant Park on Sunday, which was listed as part of our packsge.

But in the end it is your hunt to do as you like.
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I was going to book a hunt until the number of hunting days and the number of days paid didn't add up. Had a sizeable deposit ready to put down at a show.

On a 10 day hunt there was no Sunday hunting but they still charged for the day as part of a 10 day package.

I expected all 10 days, so in 11 days in camp. Outfit didn't see it that way. So I booked somewhere else.

I think Pennsylvania in the US doesn't Sunday hunt. Fairly sure there was no Sunday hunt in NY at one time, but that was before I started.

Personally I'm not religious in any way, all 365 days are the same to me, but if that's your thing you should do what makes you happy.
I know some outfitters and phs that dont hunt in sundays still
I personally thinknits bcos they dont want to pay staff overtime
These fuys arent going to church that day. They do nothing

If the client wants to hunt we hunt
If the client wants to relax on a tuesday, we relax on tuesday

Good hunting
I admire your standpoint. As others have said, it is your hunt, you do what you feel suits you, but no freebies. I think what is really important is your reverence for the gift God gave us, I am quite comfortable hunting on a Sunday, but only after giving thanks for the wonderful day and opportunity, and of course a prayer of thanks for anything shot, or even seen.
I admire your standpoint. As others have said, it is your hunt, you do what you feel suits you, but no freebies. I think what is really important is your reverence for the gift God gave us, I am quite comfortable hunting on a Sunday, but only after giving thanks for the wonderful day and opportunity, and of course a prayer of thanks for anything shot, or even seen.

True that
U can pray any and everyday!!
U can give thx on any and everyday and at anytime
A real pickle if you observe one of the other religions and don't hunt on a Saturday due to those beliefs and the PH says no to Sunday due to his/her beliefs.
Think most agree there is no better place to be at one with your God than outside watching the sun rise or set
Isn't the reason why we were created by Our Father to praise and worship him?
Which better way to do it by admiring His creation and enjoying it.

Use your travel days as the Sabath and rest days if you wish but enjoy the hunt.
We hunt on Sunday. We also do a hunter’s prayer as a group before we go out on any/every day we hunt. It is a good way to remind us all that we are in God’s creation.
I see noting wrong with hunting on Sunday, especially if one takes the time to be mindful of his faith while outdoors.
Good question.
I guess it depends on where one lives, where one hunts, and what and why one is hunting for.

Growing up we didn't hunt on Sundays.

In the military we couldn't hunt off post on Sundays in North Carolina and we couldn't hunt on Mondays on post. Sometimes Sundays were the only days we could get the time to hunt.

After the military it was some of my civilian work sometimes I had 2 or 3 employers, which limited my hunting to maybe Saturdays and Sundays or maybe 1 employer which often meant working 8 to 16 hour shifts 6 and 7 days a week.

College years also limited my hunting days to the weekends as I was either in class or working.

After retirement and the years of abusing my body has caught up with me. Now my hunting time is dictated by the weather and arthritis in my knees and hands and an old back injury these also sometimes limit where and how I hunt.

My philosophy is to hunt when and where I can, as often as I can and if Sundays are good hunting days I hunt or I'm at least in the woods or on the water or both.

Hunting to me is finding/seeing what I'm after. It doesn't mean I have to kill anything. I look at as if GOD didn't want me to kill it then he wouldn't have presented it to me, regardless of the day of the week. Monday though Saturday I may not have been given the opportunity to kill an animal and yet on a Sunday, Christmas, Easter weekend, Thanksgiving Day (US), that opportunity arises and I make the kill.

On an African safari I paid a bit of money and time to be there, thus Sunday(s) is/are become just another day.

Regardless of where I'm at home or abroad although I am not an aboriginal/ native American Indian, I have adopted their way to give thanks to the animal I just killed and wish its spirit a safe and speedy journey into the afterlife of neverending cool, fresh, clean, water and to have an abundance of food to eat. In hopes the Great Spirit will bless me with more successful hunts.

Depending on my attitude I'm either in the woods as a hunter or in the woods as though I am attending church services regardless of the calendar day.

So to answer your question: Is it morally right or wrong to hunt on Sundays? Only you can decide if it's right or wrong. Hold yourself true to your beliefs, live your life as you decide, and not by other peoples opinions or judgements.

Just my 2¢.
Most of my hunts I have a hard time remembering what day of the week it is after the first day. Then it's just how many more days before getting back on the plane. Growing up we couldn't hunt sundays and that was my only day off. If you feel it is important to you your outfitter/P.H. will accommodate your needs. Just be prepared to count is as one of your total days.
Most of hunting clubs in my vicinity hunt on weekends only.
I am not sure where this comes from.
I hate it.
Because my wife works, kids go to school monday to friday. I would prefer to spend weekends with family, and hunt on working days. But thats how it is.
With most hunts these days seemingly 7 or 5 days only, taking one day off is a large amount of your time taken away.....I think we would find it a bit frustrating having to sit out a day, as depending on the situation could put more pressure on with a day less hunting....unless of course you are on one of those places where you can shoot 3 or 4 animals a day.....but as said your choice
who wants to know what bloody day it is when you’re hunting. Take your watch off and power down your phone and IPad as soon as you land don’t worry about anything …except enjoying yourself and living life. The hunt will be over soon enough….Then when you’re back in town you can start worrying about what day it is
Hunting on Sunday is still not permitted. They make some exceptions for population control though.
To the OP, on Sunday, do you give up sex, stop watching TV, not go to a sporting event, don't read a book or the newspaper, listen to the radio, go shopping, stay off the web, or social media, or fast on Sunday? What's the difference between hunting and a myriad of other activities enjoyed on a Sunday?
From this chair, promoting not hunting on Sunday is another example of virtue signaling. YMMV.
Edit: I hunt Pennsylvania and the legislature just passed Sunday hunting. Forty eight out of fifty states already allowed it. When they realized the $$$$ they were losing, they got the real religion.
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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?