A buddy of mine went boar hunting I think in West Virginia. The old man on the farm told him there were plenty of young pigs that would make a good BBQ but there was this one big old SOB that no one has been able to get a shot at. They walked and walked. His son n law took a couple nice pigs but his dad wanted the big sob. Finally, tucked up under some fruit trees and rocks he spied him. I think he was carrying a .30 caliber and put three shots into the old pig. When they went in to make sure they couldn’t believe how big it was. I’m not sure but I think he said 600lbs. The farmer had to get the tractor to haul it out and load it into the back of his truck. While driving home he called a friend who’s a butcher, asked if he’d process it. When the guy was done with the processing he had to charge a little extra cause of the size.
My buddy took that meat home and BBQd it but he said it didn’t smell all that great no matter what he tried. Finally he figured they’d give the rest to the dogs. ha ha they didn’t want to touch that meat non either.