Thank you velodrome I would do that. Hope to do a bear hunt up there some say!
Hi again CAustin,
Rogerthat, and now is the time to hunt bear up here (also wolf, lynx, fox, coyote, wolverine, etc).
Prey specie numbers are way down in Alaska now and predator numbers are way up.
It seems like there are even more owls and eagles around here lately.
It cannot stay like this forever.
Eventually, the predators will begin to starve out.
To say that I know a very reputable Bear Guide would be an understatement.
My friend, Wayne Kubat is actually the best of the best (His wife Marilyn is also an exceptionally good natured person who is Wayne's soul mate for sure).
Refer to their web site or, phone 907-376-9568.
If you contact the Kubats, please tell them Paul Ard sent you.
If you don't book with him, at least have a look at Wayne's equipment list for hunting in Alaska before you hunt up here or in Northern Canada, either one.
His is about the best I have seen (admittedly better than my own well seasoned list).
Anywhooo, there are so many bears in Wayne's 600 or more sq mile concession that, even non-residents are allowed TWO grizzly per year and currently there is no close season.
I have lived in Alaska 32 years and until now, I have never seen any big game season open year 'round.
Adios for now,
Velo Dog (Paul Ard)