Is a good top, the bottoms are warm as well.
I highly recommend good wool socks, be prepared to pay $10+ a pair.
As for your hands, I recommend a pair of black leather dress gloves.
Black because the sun will warm them. A pair of nitrile gloves underneath will help a lot as well.
I don’t recommend heavy gloves. Military rifles are often designed with heavy gloves in mind. Hunting rifles rarely are. Fumbling with safety’s with heavy gloves is bad, negligent discharges happen when people try and shove a heavily gloves finger into the trigger guard.
What you can do, and what I do when the temp drops below 30, is I wear layered gloves on my left hand.
S o dress glove underneath, and a heavy insulated work glove on top. My right hand only has a thin glove on, and it stays in my pocket until I draw the weapon.
You can put a pocket warmer in your pocket to hold onto if the temp drops to much.
Your shooting hand won’t cool off appreciably in the 5 minutes it takes to set up a shot.