Howdy Ya'll ! Seasons Greeting! What about TIPS ?


AH member
Dec 4, 2023
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Pawleys Island, South Carolina . USA
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Hello Everyone. I'm new to the group and I am in the Planning Phase for my First Safari. How do the tips for PH's, Trackers & Assistants in general take Place? Daily?, when you find,Take and retrieve a target animal? end of hunt ? Is there a Standard protocol? What is it based on ? trophy fee percentage? difficulty ? danger? I come from a very service oriented area, so proper tipping is important to me. Im very Curious to know . Any input would be Great, Thanks. I hope everyone is Enjoying the Holidays!
Get a drink and sit in a comfy chair...

$X per day, per employee, amount dependent of job. Personally, I wish it was just a higher daily fee to included tips, but that's not the business model.
A quick tip on tips. Whatever you decide to tip, take some time and plan ahead. Bring a dozen envelopes or so. Write down the list of people you want to tip and the amount. (The PH will put a list together for you with all the names if you ask him). In dollars or Rand or whatever combination. Label each envelope and double check what you put in before sealing. Best I can tell I left the gardener or member of the cleaning staff $200-$300 one trip by mistake. Make sure you have several hundred dollars of small bills. 5,10 and 20$. Some hundreds as well

I like to have the PH call the staff up and present the envelopes myself and offer a word of thanks. The PH can translate if needed. Usually the morning we leave, or the night before if that is not convenient

I tip my PH at the last place I will see him as we say our goodbyes and “see you at the shows”.
A quick tip on tips. Whatever you decide to tip, take some time and plan ahead. Bring a dozen envelopes or so. Write down the list of people you want to tip and the amount. (The PH will put a list together for you with all the names if you ask him). In dollars or Rand or whatever combination. Label each envelope and double check what you put in before sealing. Best I can tell I left the gardener or member of the cleaning staff $200-$300 one trip by mistake. Make sure you have several hundred dollars of small bills. 5,10 and 20$. Some hundreds as well

I like to have the PH call the staff up and present the envelopes myself and offer a word of thanks. The PH can translate if needed. Usually the morning we leave, or the night before if that is not convenient

I tip my PH at the last place I will see him as we say our goodbyes and “see you at the shows”.
this is exactly how i do it!!! including the one incidental envelope in case i accidentally forgot someone
I used to do that.....but if hunting with an owner-operator-PH I make them do it. Not interested in all that anymore. Remember, never tip during a safari.....only when all is done. Otherwise you may start fighting among the staff. This topic is beaten to death on this site. Once in a while take a break and go to the "Hot Hunting Babes". Take a look at those tips........FWB
:S Welcome: to AH!
“Hot Hunting Babes”? Do tell. Something I’ve overlooked?
Welcome to AH Sammcc73!
Good day, welcome!!
Welcome to AH!
Greetings Sammcc73,

Khomas Highland Hunting Safaris of Namibia, welcomes you to the greatest forum on earth.

Rare Breed and others here have already addressed very well your tipping question.
So, I will refrain.

Meanwhile, when you get a spare moment, have a look into the Khomas Safaris website.

Best Regards,
Velo Dog.
Hello and welcome!
Welcome to AH! Glad to have you on board.
Hello Everyone. I'm new to the group and I am in the Planning Phase for my First Safari. How do the tips for PH's, Trackers & Assistants in general take Place? Daily?, when you find,Take and retrieve a target animal? end of hunt ? Is there a Standard protocol? What is it based on ? trophy fee percentage? difficulty ? danger? I come from a very service oriented area, so proper tipping is important to me. Im very Curious to know . Any input would be Great, Thanks. I hope everyone is Enjoying the Holidays!
Welcome to AH

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Spain, i booked through a consultant, i book almost everything through him now and he's done me right. his contact 724 986 7206 if interested and he will have more info to share,
I hunted elephant with Luke Samaris in 2005. It was my fourth safari and I tell you he is a fine gentleman the best. I got the opportunity to meet Patty Curtis, although never hunted with him but enjoyed our conversation around our tent in the Selous. Very sad for a tough guy to leave this world the way he did. Let’s pray the murderers are caught. I hope to see Luke in Nashville.