Howdy from Ol' Virginy

Welcome to AH. I must admit that when I read your introduction I was instantly jealous. At the same time, I was thinking some of the same thoughts that Velo Dog expressed. I can understand your grand dad's feelings. My two boys have been hunting with me for almost 40 years now. To make sure their kids would be hunters I bought each of them a Swedish Mauser. In fact some of the rifles were purchased before they were born. My youngest grandson now age 6 is forever challenging me to a shooting contest with BB guns. Please don't judge us for being cautious. As already stated we have had "trolls" (at least I think that is the correct terminology) that got everyone's dander up some for supporting and others for questioning the validity of the statements that were made. You will find the folks on this site to be courteous and extremely knowledgeable. We love to see old guns that have been well cared for. Please post pictures of yours.
Well, I'm back.....still annoyed, but back. My grandfather had my 416 made for me when I would hunt as an adult. I sure wasn't going to shoot it as a kid (didn't even bring shells for it when we hit the bush)....he wanted me to have a good rifle that would remind me of him that I would grow into. When he had it made (1953-1954) the medium bores were not that common in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (still aren't) and heading to Alaska and Africa were not common either and he wanted something nicer than an off-the-rack Winchester too light for the caliber and cracking stocks. But....carrying that rifle all over the bush with him made it special...I never got rid of it and it's one of my most treasured possessions given by him.

A 1903 Mannlicher 6.5 is a smaller bore than the 1905 9x56...but, he had a 1905 so that's what I shot (it's the only caliber the Model 1905 comes in)....they're not a bad kicker at all, more like a 35 Remington. Plus, with the set trigger, you didn't have a chance to flinch, everything happens so quickly. Now if I can figure out how to post photos, I took some mediocre pictures with my phone showing some of the 416 action and lovely the mannlicher and it's scope mount stock attachment...sadly, the claw scope rings didn't come with the rifle when he died and the silly things are a just iron sights.

Any photo experts out there to help explain how to post would be appreciated.
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Well, I'm back.....still annoyed, but back. My grandfather had my 416 made for me when I would hunt as an adult. I sure wasn't going to shoot it as a kid (didn't even bring shells for it when we hit the bush)....he wanted me to have a good rifle that would remind me of him that I would grow into. When he had it made (1953-1954) the medium bores were not that common in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (still aren't) and heading to Alaska and Africa were not common either and he wanted something nicer than an off-the-rack Winchester too light for the caliber and cracking stocks. But....carrying that rifle all over the bush with him made it special...I never got rid of it and it's one of my most treasured possessions given by him.

A 1903 Mannlicher 6.5 is a smaller bore than the 1905 9x56...but, he had a 1905 so that's what I shot (it's the only caliber the Model 1905 comes in)....they're not a bad kicker at all, more like a 35 Remington. Plus, with the set trigger, you didn't have a chance to flinch, everything happens so quickly. Now if I can figure out how to post photos, I took some mediocre pictures with my phone showing some of the 416 action and lovely the mannlicher and it's scope mount stock attachment...sadly, the claw scope rings didn't come with the rifle when he died and the silly things are a just iron sights.

Any photo experts out there to help explain how to post would be appreciated.

Glad you're back. For posting pics, hit the "Upload a File" button next to the "Post Reply" button. Navigate to where your pic is on your computer and select it. After it has uploaded, then there are two buttons next to the file "Thumbnail" and "Full Image". Make sure your cursor is where you want it in the post and push either of those buttons.

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Seems you figured it out!
@Trakehner You should be able to download your photos from the phone to your laptop. Then, when you post, click on the button below for 'Upload a File' find the file in the directory and attach. It will usually ask you if thumbnails or embed full size.
@PHOENIX PHIL as we pass across the networks with our messages!
Sadly, no photos...not a real photo family...I don't believe I've got any photos of me hunting as a kid or adult or even my time in the Army in bad areas of the world. Only a very few of me with my horses, showing etc. So, only memories and an interesting life...and some really good experiences (and the multiple broken bones that went along with them).
Sadly, no photos...not a real photo family...I don't believe I've got any photos of me hunting as a kid or adult or even my time in the Army in bad areas of the world. Only a very few of me with my horses, showing etc. So, only memories and an interesting life...and some really good experiences (and the multiple broken bones that went along with them).

Hello again Trakehner,

I'd like to apologize to you for my bad attitude.
If I'm suspicious of a story, describing a 7 year old child carrying an elephant gun, etc., etc., I shouldn't mock or belittle.

Normally I skip over such things and just read something else or, at least question the writer in a mature format but, that time, to my considerable discredit, I was weak and I screeched like a little girl.
At any rate, I'm glad you are tough enough to stay with us, as this is the world's greatest forum.

Paul Ard (Velo Dog)
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Welcome to AH Trakehner !
... that time, to my considerable discredit, I was weak and I screeched like a little girl.

I don't know about that...Veteran member of the constabulary maybe...I could see the stark room, little swinging light and old chair...;)
Welcome from another newbie. I am in Tidewater VA. I find there is a lot of good writing here -- hunting stories and esoteric information. Hope you enjoy.
Howdy & welcome!!!! You're a lucky SOB.... I was welcomed to the world with a savings bond.... you got a Rigby.
Hello again Trakehner,

I'd like to apologize to you for my bad attitude.
If I'm suspicious of a story, describing a 7 year old child carrying an elephant gun, etc., etc., I shouldn't mock or belittle.

Normally I skip over such things and just read something else or, at least question the writer in a mature format but, that time, to my considerable discredit, I was weak and I screeched like a little girl.
At any rate, I'm glad you are tough enough to stay with us, as this is the world's greatest forum.

Paul Ard (Velo Dog)

It's tough when dealing with delicate flowers, eh?

I just carried it, never shot it till I was much older. My grandfather gave me the choice to carry the rifle...and jeeze it was heavy (actually, I just weighed it...12.5 pounds w/o scope). Heck, the book bags kids carry weigh that much or more. It gave me a memory and every time I shoot it or just break it out of the safe, I remember everywhere I went with it. I'll admit, I'll take it deer hunting and will light load with it cast bullets with a gas check. My grandmother would have killed him if I came back with something broken.

I got to hang out with my grandfather and his old men friends as a kid (they'd grown up together, been in WWI...all members of the 40/8). I had just turned 6, we were at the camp on Lake Michigan and the old guys were shooting away...I asked if I could try his Model 12...he grabbed a shell, put it in and held up the shotgun for me. He'd put a heavy goose load in the gun by accident, knocking me down but protecting the gun from falling. I was laying on the ground, sniffling a bit while he and his friends gathered around me. "Damn, Bill!...What's Rhoda going to say?" Rhoda was my grandmother....He worridly looked at me as asked, "Are you going to tell your grandmother?" "No sir"...and all the old guys let out a breath. Once the found out they could dent me and I'd never tell on them, I was "safe" to have around. These were some neat men who had a great life, had hunted all over the world, had really neat guns...none of them had kids who hunted/shot sad...and I was the kid who wanted and got to be around them. They're all long gone, I've got some of their guns so their memory lingers on and I get to tell the stories of their gun's life. Pretty neat.
@Trakehner That memory and the others you reference are what makes life - you have had precious moments none can replicate. Good for your grandfather and his friends.
Howdy All. I'm originally from Norther Michigan in the UP (Upper Peninsula). My poor grandfather...he was born in 1888 and loved to hunt. Of course, that meant his two sons and one daughter had no interest in guns or hunting (I think that's illegal in the UP). Anyway, when I was born, being the 1st grandchild, he ordered a rifle for me. A lovely Enfield action beautiful 416 Rigby (and yes, I still have it). He took me on walks in the woods, while he on my pony, him on foot. Once I hit 5 I had a Winchester .22 to take hunting...I got squirrels, he got deer and lots of wing shooting....he was a great shotgunner, while I like them and have some lovely old doubles, I stink up the room with a scattergun and probably could get handicapped tags at the skeet range.

At 7, he finally brought me with him to Africa...Rhodesia mostly, and some to the northern parts of South Africa. The deal was, I had to carry my rifle...but I couldn't shoot it...gawdamighty, that rifle was heavy. But he said I'd remember the safaris better with my own rifle...he was right. When I got to shoot, I used his 1905 model Mannlicher in 9x56 Mannlicher (yes, I still have it...what a jewel they are). Got a lot of soft skinned game with it. Never a zebra...too much like my pony at home. Got to go all over Eastern Africa with him, and even met Haille Selassie and got to pet his lion. Made it to Africa 6 times, twice a year (I think he knew his time was getting short), Alaska and Canada. Sadly, he never got to see me shoot the rifle he presented to me as a child. the guides got a kick out of me hauling that big gun around but seemed to think the little bull-headed blond kid who wouldn't let anyone carry his load was novel.

My Grandfather had a double rifle in 505 Gibbs he bought when in England during "The Great War"...he loved that rifle and when he died, the family sold it...luckily, I had the Rigby and the Mannicher...all his other guns "disappeared". Talk about pearls to swine. I finally decided to get my own 505 in remembrance of my grandfather...seems only fitting. Not a double though, a bolt gun...but it'll be fun remembering him shooting the big gun at amazingly large animals when I was a kid.

Went to Africa in the early 70's while in the Army on R&R...Rhodesia was still there and Africa was a better place than with the current thugs...well, it was. Looking forward to seeing the various postings by people.
Howdy from aussie , fantastic set of memories there , most jealous. Welcome aboard.
I too have a number of rifles that once belonged to cherished friends that have passed on. Just as you stated, each one of them has a story. Handling those firearms brings back teary eyes and old memories. I doubt those friends would want it any other way!
Great rifles and story. I'm new here and read your post as I'm from the Shenandoah Valley, SW Virginia. A career machinist now getting in to Gunsmithing after industrial accident ended my career.

I'm going to build falling block & Mauser CRF type bolt guns. But if I could have any gun out there it'd be Jim Corbett's 275 Rigby!
My entire interest I the site comes from reading Corbett and Kenneth Anderson's man eating Tiget stories.

Anyhow, I sure enjoyed your introduction. Sounds like a wonderful and eventful life.

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Great transaction on some 375 HH ammo super fast shipping great communication
akriet wrote on Tom Leoni's profile.
Hello Tom: I saw your post about having 11 Iphisi's for sale. I have been thinking about one. I am also located in Virginia. Do you have photos of the availables to share? My email is [redacted]

Thanks and regards,

Natural Bridge, Virginia