Howard Hill Worlds Greatest Archer?

I remember seeing a newsreel of Ben Pearson shooting a Pheasant on the wing

I have shot a few birds on the wing with a 22lr, but never tried it with a bow.
Looks like great fun :)
pretty easy with the .22...and my old slug gun ,
used to shoot plenty of pidgeon and starlings plovers,and ibis like that when I was a lot younger.
never even tried with my bows,its illegal in aus .
the only bird I know of that can be legally hunted with archery equipement, is magpie geese ,and only in the northern territory
I knew the old PH (now deceased too) who accompanied him that Ele hunt! He wasn't too complimentary about bowhunting at all nor of messr Hill.
Hill sure could shoot though! His exhibition shooting was awesome!
There was no PH that accompanied Howard Hill in 1950 on Safari in Africa. This was said or told in order to claim association. The best thing one can do to seem important in the eyes of the listener. Unless you were there and know the facts, don't go about repeating heresay.
There was no PH that accompanied Howard Hill in 1950 on Safari in Africa. This was said or told in order to claim association. The best thing one can do to seem important in the eyes of the listener. Unless you were there and know the facts, don't go about repeating heresay.

Were you there on the hunt?
the elephant was shot in the knee with a rifle,then hill just bled him out with the bow and arrow. big deal,phony piece of i read it some where years ago.end of my input.
I remember watching some of Howards "videos" films as a child. i saw quite a few as a 16 year old when one of his protege's (probably spelled that wrong!) came to a small logging community where i grew up, Forks, WA and watched John Shultz (the protege) shoot silver dollars out of the air!! Johns son, steve and i became fast friends.

I bought a book from John called "hitting em like howard hill" by the end of the clinic, i was shooting 4" wood discs out of the air with a longbow! howard hill could likely out shoot anyone of his era. in fact in the book referenced above, apparently he had an open offer to shoot against anyone as long as he was able to pick half of the targets. apparently he would outshoot most on their half, and when it got to his half of the targets, it was a done deal for him!

he did more to promote bowhunting in that era than anyone, fred bear came along later and moved the ball forward. i think some of his actual accomplishments were a bigger deal than the ones captured on film. i believe because of some of the equipment limitations of the era; with equipment that likely some of his movies were staged to some degree. merely to accommodate the audience.

i read and heard that he was quite a gentleman and a great athlete.

greatest archer of all time......maybe.....probably. wish i could have spent time with him for sure. he lit a fire of bowhunting in me and i never even met him!
Were you there on the hunt?
I know every person that was on the Safari with Howard Hill and a couple of natives. I have spoke with all, with the exception of Rev Howard Bigalow and the story told here, was the same coming from them as it did from Howard Hill. The only guiding he had while there in order to find various locations for filming, was the late Rev Bigalow, three months after the safari was gourd to death by a charging elephant. The African government did not require him to take along a back up PH, as is required today. In order to be able to hunt and make his movie spending lots of money there, which the African government badly needed. Howard Hill had to sign an agreement that he would be responsible for everything that took place while he and his chosen party were in country, including the actions of those in his party. Certain animals were off limits to kill, namely the Ocopee and some others. He merely photographed and filmed this animal because many had never seen it. Howard Hill had received a letter from the African government prior to his leaving in California, informing him that he was to not come if he only wanted to kill an elephant with his bow, due to the fact that only rifles were allowed to hunt elephant. Howard Hill ignored the letter and sailed on a freight boat for the coast of Africa, stopping in Leopardville first, where he bought for aunt Elizabeth the squrriel monkey in the movie called Spike. The next stop they unloaded at a port and then journeyed by jeeps and trucks they had brought with them, to the location of the government offices to acquire the hunting permits and other provisions. The govenment official ask him if he did not receive their letter informing him not to come if his desire was to shoot an elephant with his bow. He could hunt any other animal on the allowed hunt list, but the elephant was out of the question. Howard Hill told them that he had planned to make his movie there and spend as much as $250,000.00 dollars while in country. If they would not allow him to bow hunt elephant as well, then he would go to India and kill one their, plus spend his money and Africa would be at a loss. When they heard the money total, they changed their mind and granted him 4 elephant permits. So I guess that money does talk at times. Howard Hill furnished his own back up riflemen including that of Rev Bigalow who had killed 40 elephants with a rifle while being there for several years, but had been away for over a year. He back in California mentioned he desired to go back to Africa but lacked the money, while making a talk about African life and the missionary work he had done there, at Howard Hills Baptist church he attended. Later Howard Hill offered to pay his way back to Africa, if he would agree to serve as a guide, back up with rifle if needed, if one of his own became sick and also as an interpreter since he could speak many of the native languages. This was agreed to, so reason as to how they met and became strong friends later. Howard Hill listened to Bigalow's warnings when it came to the elephant. Bigalow told him that if an elephant charged and his life was in danger, for the back up rifleman or he himself take the rifle (475) and continue to shoot the elephant between its eyes. After a shot or two the elephant would vear off to one side or the other, refusing to continue with the fighting of fire felt from the bullets. The bullets where modified, as hollow points were not availble at the time. The bullet was drilled down aways and filled with mercury then sealed. Reason of thought was that once the bullet exited the rifle barrel, the mercury would be forced hard rearward and cause the bullet to expand, creating a more deadly projectile.
Howard Hill had know reason to doubt Bigalows advice. Afterall he had never killed an elephant with his bow and arrow, but as I said Bigalow had already under his belt 40 killed. Howard Hill never had to do what was suggested by Bigalow. Sadly for Rev Bigalow with his beliefs, number 41 didn't play by the record rules thought by Bigalow and kept fighting the fire until all the bullets in the rifle were shot, killing Rev Bigalow.
No I wasn't there, but I know alot about what took place as told by all involved. Howard Hill made a point to school me not only about the African safari but so much about the rest of his life. Later in time I was left with all his maps of journey across Africa and his diary kept. I was adopted by him and Aunt Elizabeth, during my teenage years as the son he never had. I can take one from birth to death when it comes to Howard Hill. I was ask on his dying bed to keep his name before the public and never allow his name to be drug down in the mud. This I agreed to and he responded with " I knew I could count on you". " that is why I have filled you in on my total life, so you can keep the recird straight".
Now I will not continue on here as I have already just about written you a book in response to your remark "was I there". As if you doubt me or think I lie. Guess it was worth it, as others will enjoy this history written about, by a first person, and not hearsey passed along without any knowledge to back things up.
Now I will add Bob Sweinhart, who I was friends with, did use a PH when he killed his elephant, maybe as well Fred Bear, but not Howard Hill. Jerry Hill
Would you be willing to publish the journal, it would give a glimpse into a different lifetime of safari?
I know every person that was on the Safari with Howard Hill and a couple of natives. I have spoke with all, with the exception of Rev Howard Bigalow and the story told here, was the same coming from them as it did from Howard Hill. The only guiding he had while there in order to find various locations for filming, was the late Rev Bigalow, three months after the safari was gourd to death by a charging elephant. The African government did not require him to take along a back up PH, as is required today. In order to be able to hunt and make his movie spending lots of money there, which the African government badly needed. Howard Hill had to sign an agreement that he would be responsible for everything that took place while he and his chosen party were in country, including the actions of those in his party. Certain animals were off limits to kill, namely the Ocopee and some others. He merely photographed and filmed this animal because many had never seen it. Howard Hill had received a letter from the African government prior to his leaving in California, informing him that he was to not come if he only wanted to kill an elephant with his bow, due to the fact that only rifles were allowed to hunt elephant. Howard Hill ignored the letter and sailed on a freight boat for the coast of Africa, stopping in Leopardville first, where he bought for aunt Elizabeth the squrriel monkey in the movie called Spike. The next stop they unloaded at a port and then journeyed by jeeps and trucks they had brought with them, to the location of the government offices to acquire the hunting permits and other provisions. The govenment official ask him if he did not receive their letter informing him not to come if his desire was to shoot an elephant with his bow. He could hunt any other animal on the allowed hunt list, but the elephant was out of the question. Howard Hill told them that he had planned to make his movie there and spend as much as $250,000.00 dollars while in country. If they would not allow him to bow hunt elephant as well, then he would go to India and kill one their, plus spend his money and Africa would be at a loss. When they heard the money total, they changed their mind and granted him 4 elephant permits. So I guess that money does talk at times. Howard Hill furnished his own back up riflemen including that of Rev Bigalow who had killed 40 elephants with a rifle while being there for several years, but had been away for over a year. He back in California mentioned he desired to go back to Africa but lacked the money, while making a talk about African life and the missionary work he had done there, at Howard Hills Baptist church he attended. Later Howard Hill offered to pay his way back to Africa, if he would agree to serve as a guide, back up with rifle if needed, if one of his own became sick and also as an interpreter since he could speak many of the native languages. This was agreed to, so reason as to how they met and became strong friends later. Howard Hill listened to Bigalow's warnings when it came to the elephant. Bigalow told him that if an elephant charged and his life was in danger, for the back up rifleman or he himself take the rifle (475) and continue to shoot the elephant between its eyes. After a shot or two the elephant would vear off to one side or the other, refusing to continue with the fighting of fire felt from the bullets. The bullets where modified, as hollow points were not availble at the time. The bullet was drilled down aways and filled with mercury then sealed. Reason of thought was that once the bullet exited the rifle barrel, the mercury would be forced hard rearward and cause the bullet to expand, creating a more deadly projectile.
Howard Hill had know reason to doubt Bigalows advice. Afterall he had never killed an elephant with his bow and arrow, but as I said Bigalow had already under his belt 40 killed. Howard Hill never had to do what was suggested by Bigalow. Sadly for Rev Bigalow with his beliefs, number 41 didn't play by the record rules thought by Bigalow and kept fighting the fire until all the bullets in the rifle were shot, killing Rev Bigalow.
No I wasn't there, but I know alot about what took place as told by all involved. Howard Hill made a point to school me not only about the African safari but so much about the rest of his life. Later in time I was left with all his maps of journey across Africa and his diary kept. I was adopted by him and Aunt Elizabeth, during my teenage years as the son he never had. I can take one from birth to death when it comes to Howard Hill. I was ask on his dying bed to keep his name before the public and never allow his name to be drug down in the mud. This I agreed to and he responded with " I knew I could count on you". " that is why I have filled you in on my total life, so you can keep the recird straight".
Now I will not continue on here as I have already just about written you a book in response to your remark "was I there". As if you doubt me or think I lie. Guess it was worth it, as others will enjoy this history written about, by a first person, and not hearsey passed along without any knowledge to back things up.
Now I will add Bob Sweinhart, who I was friends with, did use a PH when he killed his elephant, maybe as well Fred Bear, but not Howard Hill. Jerry Hill

Thanks for sharing your understanding of the history of this hunt. It is appreciated.

Your father was an amazing archer. The challenges of putting together a movie 70 years ago had to be daunting.

Now I will not continue on here as I have already just about written you a book in response to your remark "was I there". As if you doubt me or think I lie. Guess it was worth it, as others will enjoy this history written about, by a first person, and not hearsey passed along without any knowledge to back things up.

Yes, I asked if "you were there"

You had just condemned a good man for repeating second hand information, from an individual who told him he was there.

You too have repeated second hand information from individuals who were there. I have no reason to doubt the broad brush strokes of what you say, and accept them. Just as Ole Bally accepted the information told to him by an individual who said he was there.

Let me use an example; it is hard to comprehend a statement that an individual who had shot 40 elephants would use mercury filled bullets, since expansion is the last thing an elephant hunter would want. An elephant hunter needs penetration. I will accept your statement as what Bigalow believed and not condemn you for it, perhaps that is why Bigalow is dead.

We all rely on others for information since we are not omniscient. It is understandable that you may not agree with the description put forth in Ole Bally's post, but it is good to take exception with the description, not the individual, at least until you know more of the situation.

Thank you again for your post, you have added good information to our knowledge of your father.
I may do that in time. So much miss information gets started by those that go about repeating something that cannot be backed up. Its like the rifle shot to the knee on the elephants (3)Howard Hill killed with his bow. This all got started by Bill Negley after he won a bet that he could go to Africa and kill an elephant with his bow. While there one night he was sitting around a campfire dranking with a native. The native got drunk. And in conversation if he had seen Howard Hill while in Africa shooting an elephant. The native being drunk and wanting more figured he would tell Negley a tale he would be pleased with and get another drank as reward. So he laughed and said yes, but he did not know the name of the white man that bowhunted in Africa and because it had been many years in the past, could not discribe his features as a human. He being proud of his people killing elephants for such a long time, said he did not see it but was told by one that said he was present that Howard Hill shot them first in the knee so they could not run away. Negley took this information as fact, haven listened to a drunk native. So he said in him film that it was the first time an elephant had been killed with a bow and arrow. He being from Texas, showed his film first to a gathering of Texas bowhunters. Fred Bear was present as his company had supplied Negley the archery equipment he carried there. After the film showing, Negley took the stage to answer any questions about his tine in Africa. One of the first question that came to him was about his comment on being the first to ever do with a bow, when it was already recorded in archery history that Howard Hill was the first. Before Bill Negley could answer Fred Bear stood up and said to Negley, "Bill, I told you I wasn't going to have anything to do about that, Howard Hill was the first". And after that remark, Fred Bear walked out, followed by half the bowhunters present as well. Later in time, I myself got to know Bill Negley a little. We spoke several times on the phone, he calling me and not the other way around. I ask him point blank myself about his comment in film? He admitted to me that he had got his information from a drunk native, and I said, "So you based it all on what a drunk said to you ? And he answered, "Yes, but I just wanted to add a twist of thought in my film in order to help promote it". "Now that I am older, I know I should not have said it, but at the time my ego was running wild after succeeding in killing an elephant and winning the bet with another"."So when the drunk native told me this I ran with it stupidly". Ben Pearson was to supply him with the needed archery equipment. Bill Negley sent me a Bushmaster take down bow 108 lbs pull, autographed to me. I guess it was his way of trying to heal the wound caused by his remark on film, which I have seen and enjoyed everything but his remark and told Bill Negley so. The Ben Pearson company remained sore about Bill dumping them and going with Fred Bear equipment. But in the end after he made his lieing remark, they were glad he had gone with Bear Archery. What a slap it would have been on Pearsons name that backed Howard Hill with the arrows he would need and use in Africa. However Fred Bear got wind of his planned trip and swayed Bill Negley his way, away from Pearson. . Now when a gun was used by any means, like was the case with the black rhino he first shot with his bow and when it charged him at the last second was knocked down by the rifle in order to save his life, was not claimed as a bow kill. Which knocked him out of killing the Big Five on one Safari. Howard Hill could have if he had been able to climb a tree claimed, because the arrow shot was well placed in the vitals. Howard Hill gave strick orders to anyone of the 5 man that accompanied him to not fire their weapon unless he gave the order to them or an animal had him on the ground. The rifle backup man almost pulled the trigger when the male lion in the movie Tembo charged. He just knew that Howard Hill was about to be killed, but Howard Hill released one last arrow right between the lions eyes when the lion was merely 10 steps in front of him, ready to leap.
Howard Hill was ask many times in my presence if he was scared at that moment and time. His answer was always, "I was scared green", "till you have been scared green by a dangerous animal while hunting with your bow","you have not been scared the same yet." Then he would continue in saying, "I must let you fellows in on something about that last arrow shot","I didn't shoot that last arrow, God did". "No man or women can shoot their bow and arrow that accurate under such life threating moments", "not even myself, being known as the best to have ever drawn a bowstring back".
i hope you and others will enjoy this post of mine. It is my duty to tell it like it was, in order to keeo the record straight. The repeaded, no proof whatsoever about the knee shooting needs to stop. There were 5 other men present on Howard Hills safari, not including himself and his wife. Each one of the 5 had to sware an affidavit to the fact he killed his elephant only with the use of his bow and arrow. Now if Howard Hill had done this thing, don't you think that Ed Hill, or Stotler or any of the others that out lived Howard Hill would have let the cat out of the bag in time, knowing it to be true. I have talked to most all these great men. And not a single one said one thing to me to cause any doubt. I call that first hand information coming from one that was there and known to be truthful men and God fearing men.
Hope everyone enjoys my post. Guess it is what you wanted, coming from a Hill , instead of from someone repeating what they may have heard on the street from a drunk. Jerry Hill
As well from you Lucas. I'm just doing my duty as promised to Howard Hill in upholding his name as a son should do without any asking. So when someone contacts me and says that I should read something posted about myself or Howard Hill. I look into it, not looking for a fight, but to keep the record straight. One bad statement from someone jealous can go like a wild fire, if you don't step in and throw water on the fire started by a careless somebody. I hold alot of history and the answer looked for by someone that is interested. I have no interest in repeating lies. I myself included want only the truth. Everyone in the publics eye walks around daily with a target on their backs. Even tho it takes time away from more pleasurable things you ratger be doing, you must defind yourself or someone you so dearly love, or be a coward. Those have their say and I have mind. Differance is mind is the final answer when it cimes to Howard Hill. I don't do or say what I do for myself, but I was ask to carry on for him as his spokesmen, once he had passed. He school me for hours on in, in preparation of questions that would follow in time. Long as I live, I will keep up my end of the bargain struck, and never back down. Jerry
Great thread. Good to hear from you, Jerry Hill. I’ve been a long admirer of Howard. In point of fact when I built a guitar in 1988 i used the blade of a HH broadhead instead of a logo!

Those early days of bow hunting in Africa are interesting although murky. Negley had his own controversy as related by Eric Rundgren. Bear did use SCC poison on his Buffalo (and The lion as well) as seen in the video, but it was brushed off as a vapor trail by Wally Johnson. None of these facts takes away from the fact they were pioneers and worthy of our respect. I love them all.
Jerry.....wonderful to hear from you about this great archer and hunter....thanks for posting. ..........FWB
Jerry Hill,
Did you continue to make the "Howard Hill" longbow? it seems to me that i remember that someone continued to make long bows after Howards death, thought it was you, but it was a long time ago and...i forget stuff :)
Jerry Hill,
Did you continue to make the "Howard Hill" longbow? it seems to me that i remember that someone continued to make long bows after Howards death, thought it was you, but it was a long time ago and...i forget stuff :)

Craig Ekin makes them out of Hamilton MT.
Great thread. Good to hear from you, Jerry Hill. I’ve been a long admirer of Howard. In point of fact when I built a guitar in 1988 i used the blade of a HH broadhead instead of a logo!

Those early days of bow hunting in Africa are interesting although murky. Negley had his own controversy as related by Eric Rundgren. Bear did use SCC poison on his Buffalo (and The lion as well) as seen in the video, but it was brushed off as a vapor trail by Wally Johnson. None of these facts takes away from the fact they were pioneers and worthy of our respect. I love them all.
Yes about Mr Bear and the poison pod he used in Africa. I too did and still do respect him and appreciate his friendship he extended to me. He was always a gentleman's archer in my eyes. When I first learned about him using the pod, I was up in Lousville Kentucky at Marvn Almond's house with Kiko Tovar from Iowa and Vic Boyer of New Mexico, both of which were great bowhunters, when the subject of Fred Bear came up. Marvin a writer and leader in the Ole American Bowhunters Committee organization, jumped straight up out of his chair and said he dispised Fred Bear and that he would never be inducted into the organizations Hall of Fame, which was reason of me being there standing in for Howard Hill after his passing. Kiko and Vic were inducted as well. Marvin continued, saying that Fred Bear while in Africa used the poison pod on his arrows, which was against the rules of fair chase. He then walked over to a file cabinet and pulled out a magazine that had an interview with Fred Bear, after his African trip. The writer ask him did he use the poison pod while in Africa, as many seeing pictures were saying they could see them attached to his arrow. The same pictures were shown with the writing. Fred Bear's answer was, yes he did. Then it was ask of him what animals did he use it on. Fred Bear answered, the African lion and a couple of others. Then it was ask of him, since he had killed his elephant with a 70 something pound pull bow, if he used the pod on the African elephant? Fred Bear's answer was "No Comment".
So it left the reader with the unanswered question, if he had. I tend to believe he did, or he would have answered the question quickly, instead of avoiding it.
Howard Hill in radio interview in Alabama was ask as to how many elephants did he kill and he answered three. Then it was ask as to how many arrows did it take and he answered four. The interviewer having already seen Howard Hills movie TEMBO exclaimed, "well in watching your movie and you shot TEMBO while on top of an ant hill, the movie showed you shoot many times more than the one arrow you have claimed. Howard Hill said, "yes the movie does make me appear to have shot more times, but we had three Hollywood 35mm camera's on tri-pods filming from differant angles, and due to the fact it was the first time in history that a modern bowhunter had killed an elephant with a bow and arrow, we showed the shot from differant angles but the narrator failed to explain what you were seeing". "After all it added a climax to the ending of the movie", "otherwise it would have been over quickly and possibly missed by a viewer". Then Howard Hill went to say, "do you remember seeing an elephant charge me, after I had shot Tembo, running at me threw the tall grass"? "Well people thought it was the same elephant standing under the tree, when in fact it was a second elephant that came running after hearing the comotion". "Ed Hill was maning one of the camera's and hallowed to me," "look out Howard"! "Here comes another one"! "I turned in my tracks and shot the second elephant into its eye socket""and the point of my broadhead just barely touched its brain"."the second elephant is the one you see running away in the movie shaking its head and we found it dead as well a couple miles away the next day". "However once I shot TEMBO, he backed up a ways and killed over". " my 41 inch arrow from tip to tip, penetrated 31 1/2 inches into the bull elephant, peercing its heart and lungs". "My arrow weighed 1700 grains and I was shooting a bamboo longbow of my own manufacture that had a pull of 115 pounds at full draw". Then he was ask if any other archers had done the same since he proved that the bow and arrow was equal to the rifle in the killing of the elephant, which opened the door of opportunity for other archers to do the same. He answered in saying, "well a couple of others have laid claim to have now done the same thing, but I cannot sware to it, as to how they killed theirs". "But I do know one archer up in Pennsylvania by the name of Bob Sweinhart that has killed an elephant as well". "I wasn't there, but I have hunted with him and know he is not a liar". "If Bob Sweinhart said he killed it or anything else, I believe it".
That was the last radio interview he gave before passing away. I witnessed it all, as I was sitting right there beside Howard Hill and we had it on speaker phone.
Hope you and others have enjoyed my postings thus far and learned a thing or two. I am Howard Hills voice now that he has gone above to be with our Lord. He left me in charge to speak for him, as he had schooled me in preparation for whatever came my way. I do my best to answer in a way that would be pleasing to him. Afterall someday, I too will go to join him and all the other greats and if their is one thing I want to hear from him it is, "job well done my son". Jerry Hill
Yes he does make them the way he wants to. I think he makes a fine longbow. We just had differant teachers. I had Howard Hill. Not sure who Craig learned from, and have never ask him. Craig is a fine fellow married to a great wife. We have enjoyed in the past a wonderful meal together, myself and wife present. Maybe someday we can get together again. It was fun, swapping tales of the pig we kept passing from one end of our field table to the other. I wish them well, as I am doing fine too, still enjoying my archery and the making of friends. Jerry Hill
Craig Ekin makes them out of Hamilton MT.
Craig Ekin makes them out of Hamilton MT.
I made them with his name on them based on my notarized rights presented to me by his wife which was based on Howard Hills wishes to her before his death. He wanted things of his to remain in the Hill family and his wifes things given to her kinfolks. I never ask for a thing from them. I only did whatever I could when he called. Wether it be raking leaves or hauling off brush or climbing to the top of a sweetgum tree in his front yard because there was a piece of vine up there that just kept bugging the heck out of him seeing it and no way to get rid of it, or the taking of him to the hospital after falling and breaking his leg. After I admitted him, he handed me his billfold and said, "take it to Libba". This I did before going to my home. I never did look inside acting nosey, in order to see how much money he had in there. I truely could not tell you if he had a dollar or not. I did as he ask of me on everything. Later I started putting my name on all bowhunting equipment my company made. I even changed my company name from revising the old company name Howard Hill Productions to Jerry Hill Longbow Company. I had my whole life ahead of me and it was I doing all things. So it only made business sense to operate under my name. It would be me talking to others, not Howard Hill. It would be me that my young future archers would remember based on my ability and this would grow my business base. Howard Hill was my teacher that I will forever look up to. He gave me a sport that I love and he taught me how he made his personal equipment and how to live. When he prayed, everything around you became still or quite. You knew that God was present, so you kept your head bowed until you heard Howard Hill say amen. Howard Hill prayed as if he was having a converstion with God and I believe he was. So even tho I changed the name of my business, I always worded my promotion of longbow making as being from him which I governed. He designed the longbow I made, not me. So credit is given by me where it is due. I produced his movies for sale on vhs. I reprinted his two books Hunting the hard way and Wild Adventure, plus his little booklet titled, "My Method of Shooting". All of his products sold well, and as far as my longbow equipment now baring my name, well business went out the roof and it was hard to keep up. I got my family to help make items as well as my wifes folks. I hired a couple of helpers to do the sanding of bows. My business grew to the point that it was the worlds largest longbow manufacture. I did my own products as well as some private labels. Its hard for another to believe, bow my legar shows that one month Jerry Hill Longbow Company made 1700 bows of differant sizes. I understand that is hard to believe. But when you have plenty of the right kind of help, that were willing to work all the hours it took to get the orders out the door, I being under contract with many of my big accounts, 7 days a week and the best of machinery custom made by me or a friend of mind out in California that was an aerospace engineer and custom builder of machines, related to the Gordon Plastics family.
Well I hope that all this rambling will be of interest to you the reader. Its ment to not sound like bragging, but to inform those that might wonder. Jerry Hill

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EC HUNTING SAFARIS wrote on MarcoPani's profile.
Happy Birthday, from Grahamstown, South Africa.
I hope your day is great!
EC HUNTING SAFARIS wrote on Ilkay Taskin's profile.
Happy Birthday from Grahamstown, South Africa! I hope you have a great day!
Cheers, Marius
idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID