I appreciate all your input, and I apologize for taking your time. This is a question that's been on my mind for, actually, many years, but until I found this forum, I never had the opportunity to directly ask African PHs. The marvels of the internet, eh?!
I guess what I'm trying to do is re-create some of the scenarios I was fascinated with as a younger bloke, reading about J.A. Hunter or Karamojo Bell dropping charging beasts left and right until their gun barrels were red hot. I remember back in the late 50s, a wealthy local oilman went on some big safari, came back to town and showed movies of his trip in a local hotel. We went to see it. Remember, this was in the 50s; the films were grainy and of course in B&W, but they were very real. He took down those same three: elephant, lion and buff, all in charges, all close enough to fog your glasses. I was 8 or 9 years old at the time, and when it was over, it took me a while to put my eyes back in their sockets and start breathing again.
But those are all good points, e.g. about a wounded animal whipping around and running to a populated area and becoming a danger to the local citizenry. Of course, my knee-jerk reaction is something like, "awwww, yeah, but I wouldn't miss..." but I won't be that naive. Anybody can miss. You have graciously clarified the issues with a "charges only" approach. I hear you!
But at the same time, doesn't standing off with a scope and sticks go too far the other way, reducing the danger to virtually zero? I'm afraid I might feel a twinge of regret afterwards, and I say that being a former 300WM benchrest shooter and bowhunter. Perhaps there's some middle ground in there somewhere.
Thanks again. I greatly appreciate and respect your comments and knowledge and read it very closely.
- Ruark