1st Buffalo in Zambezi Valley, early September total 14 miles: Days 1 and 2 about 5 - 7 miles of tracking before busted or wind. Day 3, buffalo crossed track in front of us and we dumped out of the Defender. 1 to 2 miles later the shot at 60 yards, he went about 40 yards, dropped and bellowed.
Note on my last day I shot a kudu, poor shot, we tracked it for 6 hours before finishing it off. I suspect we walked 10 - 15 miles on that followup.
2nd Buffalo in Niassa Province, late October total 40 - 45 miles. Days 1 - 3 were plains game. Days 4 - 10 we averaged 6-7 miles per day although two of them were closer to 10 or 12 miles. On Day 11, the buffalo crossed the track in front of us (see a theme here?). We tracked them for 2 miles, the laid down. 30 minutes later, he stood up, shot, and 100 yards later caught up with them and finished him.