How does one sell World's largest elephant tusk? Seriously


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Aug 25, 2016
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You read that right.
I'm here to pick your brains on how one would sell pre-ban, World-record size, elephant tusks... And may be pointed in the direction of a potential buyer.

If one had a set of pre ban, elephant tusks harvested pre-1975 and they turned out to be one of the top 8 largest in the world... And in near mint condition, considering...

Where would one even begin to LEGALLY sell them?
Who can one hire to do the paperwork with c.i.t.i.e.s and US Game? Can someone PLEASE refer an attorney and/or what kind of law should they practice?
How does one find a buyer? Does it matter what US state the tusks are located in?
What are they worth? Is the current price per pound relevant as they're trophy size?

Thanks for reading!
If one had a set of pre ban, elephant tusks harvested pre-1975 and they turned out to be one of the top 8 largest in the world... And in near mint condition, considering...

seems like a lot of ifs and what ifs to me................
Welcome to AH sir. There have been a couple if threads on this site within the last six months on selling ivory. It can be done but as you suggest in the questions there is a process that must be followed.
Suggest you do a search on selling ivory.
Things that make you say hmmmm if you're thinking about it at least.
If they are real let's see some pictures and some sort of pre 75 indication.

Smells funny to me.
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You may have waited about a month too long to try to sell them. If I read the information below correct, you can only sell them in the state the ivory resides in.

If you have one of the eight largest sets in the world that are in private hands and presumably shot by an American since they are in the states, then it probably narrows your ivory down to Elgin Gates or E.B. Place's elephants, unless the ivory isn't in the book or was shipped in. Do you know who's ivory you have?

I think we would all love to see a photo or photos.

Do you know the size of the individual tusks?

Gate's elephant. 181/176

gates ivory.JPG
What about bananas? Shouldn't they be imported on the same permit? Unless the elephant was shot in Zimbabwe, obviously.
An attorney and the Internet, what could possibly go wrong.
I haven't found an attorney that will go near them. I thought I could Google it too but came upon too much conflicting information and was unable to confirm anything. Everyone says something different.
Dam, I sure would like to see a pic of the tusks.
Beautiful Ma'am.
That would have been a helluva Elephant to see.
Check with Robert SSI
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Wow! Those are something
I must admit @whats4dinner I was a bit skeptical of your original post, but you're providing pics now of what seems like the ivory's presence in a home. So I guess you're on the up and up. I don't know where you live and I would advise that you NOT state here on a public forum where you live. But if there is a Cabelas in your state, I would contact them first. They buy all sorts of taxidermy for the display's they have in their stores. I've been told they will pay properly for big trophies and these tusks are huge.

I have no idea what the value would be but I would venture a guess that Cabelas would be able to provide the right person to research this. I would also be certain they would know the proper procedures for a legal sale, they certainly wouldn't want issues either.
Those are some beauties. Good luck and all the best to selling them.

Do you have a back story on them? Where they came from, who took the elephant?

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