In my career as a professional Shikari , l have killed a reasonable variety of dangerous animals : Leopards , Gaur , Royal Bengal tiger , bear , boars and wild dogs . I have always respected every animal that l have ever fired my gun at . This even includes man eating leopards and Royal Bengal tigers. I always strived to give them a quick , clean death. However , there is one creature in this world which l have no respect for . It is the crocodile. Mother used to consider them devil lizards and even though l am not superstitious , l am inclined to agree with her. Normally , when one is attacked by a leopard or a Royal Bengal tiger , the beast tried to bite and claw you to your death. If one is attacked by a wild dog , it will attempt to bite you to death. If one is attacked by a Gaur , it will attempt to engage you with it's horns or trample you to death . If one is attacked by an Indian bear , it will charge at you and attempt to bit you and place it's fore paws on top of you. These attacks are instinctive and not very meticulously planned out ( barring a wounded leopard of course ) . However , it is the crocodile which is the most malicious and devious in it's way of killing. A crocodile will grab it's wretched victim in it's jaws and attempt to pull them down into the water and drown them. It is only after drowning them , that they will take the lifeless corpse to a hole and eat it. I have no respect for the crocodile and have dispatched them by any means at my disposal whenever l had to , without worrying about ethics . I apologise to my fellow forum members for my unethical view in this one aspect . However , l unashamedly admit that l find crocodiles very macabre , even at this age of 77 years.
The Garo tribesmen , Karim and l were over taken by panic as the terrified Garo victim was getting dragged by the crocodile. I gripped my shot-gun to fire . However , Karim stopped me forcefully. And l am glad that he did.
As my learned forum member and fellow professional Shikari from Africa, IvW wisely points out , a shot-gun is a foul weapon to have , if an animal gets ahold of your comrade. Bear in mind. An SG cartridge has nine pellets . If you fire at the animal , your chances of not hitting your comrade are nigh unlikely . However , these Garo tribesmen were as brave as lions and they took care of each other like brothers. They immediately began to hack away at the head of the beast with their ram daos . While it did not kill it , this was enough to make them release the wretched young man.
Karim and l seized our chance . " Shoro ! " We yelled ( move away ) . We opened fire at the head of the creature at a distance of ten feet. Those SG pellets treated with wax , definitely hit the head of the creature. However , it was disturbing that a we could actually see a large number of SG pellets deflecting on it's head. We got even closer . We were firing and we were reloading. We were firing and we were reloading . Finally , the beast moved no more . This was fortunate too. As l mentioned previously , we were not expecting to hunt any dangerous animals today and so each of us only had six SG cartridges with us . By the time the beast stopped moving , l had expended all my ammunition and Karim only had one SG cartridge left.
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The devil lizard which nearly brought us much grief.
Thank you to Karim's son , Rassell for providing me with this photo by using electronic mail.
We turned to tend to the young Garo tribesman who was badly bitten in the leg by the beast.
The Epilogue will follow