That is the difference between high fence places nitroX and you made a great point.High fence places that are stocked for the season is not the same as animals breeding and living there for years.The places I have hunted had more females there for breeding and self stocking of the ranch for years ahead then males.The animals grew up and traveled all over the ranch for years.Now there could be animals added ever few years to add to the gene pool but most animals were born from the females living there.
I think maybe what some must learn and ask about is if it is a stocked put and take place or one that the animals breeding replace the animals hunted each year.
With the prices I see some animals are going for at the game auctions the put and take will get very expense and you will tell just by the prices those places must charge.I would not want to hunt a put and take place but will not bad mouth someone who does.Again the only thing it does is hurt all hunting if you do.
The money in that part of the hunting business is so big it will not go away.We must learn to deal with it or just hurt ourselves in the long term.
1. I am +1 with billc on this subject, in that if someone is happy hunting the "put and take" type farms on small fenced concessions, far be it from me to say that is bad for some reason.
Definitely not my thing but, for those who like it, I say go for what you like / life is short, may as well enjoy the things that make you happy, as long as it does not trample the innocent.
At least hunting inside a small area with a high fence surely beats buying meat in the store, IMO.
Here in Alaska, we often hunt blacktail deer on various coastal islands, some islands are large and some small.
The deer can swim off an island but usually avoid the cold sea water here as much as possible.
I see no difference in that and fenced hunting concessions that are self sustaining of animals.
2. Although it is very difficult for me personally to understand NitroX's position on any subject, while he is aiming a .450 No2 at my face, I can in spite of that distraction, see his point to a certain degree on following;
IE: Small put and take farms do not appeal to me either.
Parting Shot:
Having hunted on fenced and unfenced concessions both, I personally do not care which one of those two it is for my future adventures, as long as they are on the same huge and self sustaining properties I have hunted in the past or new ones that are also large enough to be self sustaining of the game populations.
Velo Dog.