I have been here for a while, reading and enjoying the myriad of posts and vast personal experiences. Just reading makes me happy (and to be truthful perhaps a bit jealous).
I spent twenty years in the Marine Corps and have been fixing helicopters my whole life. I have also been a lifelong "gun guy". My hunting experience has been mostly just deer and squirrels ( I do love hunting tree rats, yummy) in West Virginia and North Carolina. Having read way to much Rourke, Roosevelt, Bell etc in my youth left me with a desire, if not finances, to hunt Africa.
My rifle tastes are champagne to my beer budget. Part of the reason I joined is the great stories of the members firearms and observation of firearms topics. Little note here, I have discovered my CZ550 .416 Rigby is one hell of deer rifle, particularly with the old Hornady DGX rounds.
While I may not post very often I will enjoy the great company, wisdom, and often tomfoolery that I have enjoyed so far.