My fellow hunters,
At times like this it is easy to delve into debates about gun laws, religions and, yes, even the countries this happened in. In my humble opinion such acts can easily be summarized without going into any of that. At the end of the day this was a human, as distasteful as that is, and nothing else needs explaining. We are a wild, crazy, intensely emotional (for both good and bad) race and no matter who is involved or for what reason the fact is that nothing will ever prevent this from happening. We, as a race, will never weed out our own extremists (religious or otherwise) because to do so is to fight not only our nature but beyond that an idea. You can not win a fight against an idea, especially one as deeply held as hate, which this individual seemed to embody. Rather than get caught up in such a futile exercise, let us for a moment simply bow our heads and let our thoughts and feelings go out to those who lost their friends and family, and to those who are right now fighting for their lives in the hospitals, as well as those doctors, nurses and others who are fighting with them to overcome their wounds. Let us lay aside our differences, if only for one moment, and come together as fellow travelers to wish those families and individuals speedy recoveries from the wounds, physical, emotional, spiritual. After that, we can go back to our respective corners and debate all of the above. We are, after all, in this together.
Thank you for listening,