This thought has crossed my mind, many times.
Here is my 5 cents.
outfitter who has dozens of references is more likely to be respectable outfitter, then those with few references or none.
Even with positive references, you can get an information worthy for you. Fore example, you want total free range hunt, and a reference contact tells you "it was great, fenced area 2000 acres large, but plenty of animals..."
Or "it was great hunt, we visited many neighboring properties each day, not too far away from camp, only few hours drive..."
maybe you wont be thrilled to go there.
References can be misleading a bit, but it is better to have them then not to have them.
If you get in direct contact with person giving a reference you can ask anything what comes to your mind, so you can easily get "unfiltered" information of your interest.
But the best reference is from a friend. If a friend tells you, I was there, we hunted like that. It was great. Go there.
Finally this forum is reference. Vetted outfitters and forum sponsors, followed by many detailed reports by happy clients. Those who get bad reports, dont frequent here for long