I’m from Johnstown, Pa.
Most recently (03/19) I went to SA and hunted with Marius from KMG Safaris. He actually has photos posted of us on the hunt. I took a Cape Buffalo with a .375 H&H, a Hippo with a .375 H&H, and a spotted hyena with a 300 Win Mag. It was an absolutely awesome hunt!
I hunted in Namibia twice in 2007. I hunted with Hannes from Bergzicht. Between the two hunts I took a warthog, zebra, blue wildebeest, hartebeest, gemsbok, springbok, Blesbok, giraffe, greater kudu, and most importantly a leopard. I used a 270 Weatherby on all animals except the giraffe which I used a 375 H&H My experience with Hannes and Bergzicht was amazing.
I have been spoiled with my hunting experiences to Africa.