Welcome! My wife and I hunted with Mike's Hunt The Sun outfit in 2018. It was our first hunting trip out of Hawaii. My wife killed her first animal ever, a red hartebeest, with them. We hunted 7 days out of his Northern Cape camp and 3 days in the Eastern Cape. We shot 10 different plains game species and multiple warthog. We thoroughly enjoyed the hunting and cultural experience, lodges, guides and trackers, his family and the other hunters. Anything you want to do they'll make a plan, my wife enjoys riding horses so she got to ride with his wife and daughter. What I'm trying to say is Mike runs a good operation and you'll have a great time!
We also added on photographic safaris in two different areas at the conclusion of hunting and they helped with the arrangements. You might as well since you're there. To save money I did all Euro mounts. Take a lot of photos and use a good camera because that's a big part of memorializing the experience.
Hello from Spokane. I went on my first trip to Africa in April. There is a lot of good info already out there on this site and elsewhere. Aside from the things that everyone says, I would say to communicate with your outfitter and pH before the trip if possible. Try to learn as much as you can about the property you will be staying on before hand. How big, high fence or low, what species are there. It is good to know what species are available close at hand versus what will require travel and arranging with other landowners. Other properties may be a totally different and unexpected situation, like animals in a very small fenced pasture. Personally, going forward I will make sure that the outfitters property is large and continuous and I will focus on the species there.
Check with your outfitter, generally only a deposit for taxidermy is required after the hunt, with the balance due once your taxidermy has been completed and ready to ship. Roughly 10 to 13 months after your hunts depending on if you are having dip and ship to country of origin or having your animals mounted in country.
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