I've been a lurker here for several months and decided to finally become a member of the site. I would say I accidentally came upon the idea of hunting Africa within the last year. I was looking for an M70 in .375 H&H, and came across one in .416 Remington. Ended up not purchasing, but the thought process went on. Did some more research, acquired a 20" barreled Savage in .375 Ruger (future .300 PRC, I think), but shortly after thought about the .416 more and ended up getting a .416 Rigby not too long after.
I have really only hunted in Illinois, so shotgun, rifle, and revolver, but have really been kinda bitten by the Africa hunting bug (luckily no trypanosoma here), so I have definitely put that on my future list. Nice meeting everyone and look forward to perhaps being to contribute to the taxidermy section before we all know it.