Hello From Minnesota USA


AH legend
Jan 6, 2013
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Chaska Minnesota
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NRA, Member of,,Caribou Hunt Club, Stock and Barrel Pistol Range
Illinois,Wisconsin,Michigan Limpopo Province South Africa
Hi my name is Rob44 I found this site and have been checking it on a daily Basis,,,a member from another Forum just returned fro a Hunt to S.Africa which peaked my interest,,,I have to admit I haven,t hunted in 30 years,,you know the story never enough time,,always something else to do,,Married with kids,,,Time Marchs on and you find that your step is a little shorter Hairs a little grayer etc etc,,I got back into Shooting about 5 years and joined a club that offered Trap,Skeet,Rifle and Pistol so I spend a lot of time putting holes in paper and Breaking Clay,,My plan is to do a Africa trip either late this year or early Next and there is a ton of info I,ll bothering this forum about,,thanks in Advance Rob44
Welcome to AH, definitely book a trip to Africa.
Welcome to the forum, there are a lot of guys here that can help you plan your trip to Africa. Good luck, check out some of the offers the AH outfitters have out there.
Welcome to AH.
Good luck with your planning.

Welcome to AH...we are here to help and if you have your thing in order you should be able to pickup a nice safari at the end of the season.

A few opportunities seen to always pop up... for those who can go on short notice.
Welcome to AH Rob44! It does not seem that you need more convincing, but just in case know that we are here!
Welcome to AH Rob44! never feel like your bothering because your not we love this stuff, if you have any questions or just need some recommendations feel free to ask and we will try to help you out.
Rob44 Everyone here loves to talk about Africa. Ask away There are no stupid questions here You'll spend hours reading all the info on this site for your planning. Planning is half the fun of the trip. Welcome
Welcome to AH Rob44!
Africa is a drug to all of us here. The more research you do, the quicker this thing inside of you will gain momentum and end up like a runaway train. Enjoy your time here with us.
Take Care,

Best Regards.
Marius Goosen
Welcome to AH Rob44!
Like all the guys said, do not hesitate to ask any questions, we all love Africa and we will help with whatever you need.
Happy hunting!
Rob welcome, sure you'll find some good information here.. Enjoy it all.

My best always
Welcome to the forum, Rob !
Thanks For all the Replies,,So much Information and Options ,,I need to get started
Welcome to the forum rob44. Shoot with questions at anytime. Everybody on the forum will be more than willing to help.

Enjoy planning your hunt!

Best regards,

Dear Rob44
Welcome to this informative forum.
Enjoy the planning process of a possible safari to Africa - perhaps NAMIBIA? Planning is a huge part of the safari, therefore: Enjoy it.

Let us know what information you need on a safari to Namibia, Africa.

Namibian greetings from Africa.
Welcome Rob44! This is a great site for planning an African trip! Don't hesitate with questions everyone here is really helpful! Its great that you have got back into shooting! An African hunting trip will be just the thing to get you completely hooked! Look forward to hearing more from you.

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FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?
Trogon wrote on Mac Baren's profile.
@Mac Baren, I live central to city of Cincinnati. I have work travel early this week but could hopefully meet later this week (with no schedule changes). What area of town are you working/staying in?
Kind regards
Read more at the link about our 40000 acre free range kudu area we will also be posting a deal on the deals page soon!
Our predator control is going very well
Looking for brass or reloads for 475noz2 Jefferies ammo. Any suggestions greatly appreciated. Charles